37|Stressed Steve

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General POV
Riley woke up that morning with a smile on her face, Wanda was sat next to her reading a book, the pair had fallen asleep watching sitcoms again. Riley knows they are Wanda's comfort show so would watch as many as Wanda wanted she also finds them pretty funny.

"Hello darling" Riley says to Wanda, who's head turns in her direction along with a smile smile taking over her features when. Riley always makes Wanda smile even if it's something so simple, if Riley is doing it then it will make her smile.

The pair walk into the main room after eating breakfast and getting ready for the day, Riley is wearing her headphones but has only one of her ears covered so she can still hear.

"We are going to an amusement park, Peter, Pietro, Yelena and Kate have been pestering me about it and I need them to shut up so we are going. Take it away Steve" Tony announces, he had already explained the situation to Steve who had come up with a plan.

"Tony told me yesterday we are doing this, and if we are going to you all have to follow the rules Everyone is going and there is no excuses. You will be put into groups and you have to stay in them. The groups are Riley, Peter, Wanda, Pietro, Nat you will be one group, Nat is the most responsible so listen to her. Pepper, Tony, Bruce, Sam, Me and Bucky are another group and then the last group is Yelena, Clint, Kate, Vision, Thor and Loki. The last two groups can elect a leader but since the first group is mainly teenagers you needed a responsible adult, each group will go in a car of their own, Tony is hiring some larger cars so the whole group can fit" Steve debriefs everyone like its a mission.

"We get it Steve, it's not a mission" Sam says, speaking everyone's mind.

Riley is very exited, she has never been to an amusement park before and to go with her girlfriend and her friends isn't something she saw herself being able to do.

"This is a great idea! Thank you Tony. and Steve, Sam is right. You know Stress can lower your life expectancy and your already on the edge of yours at like 100 I not exactly sure how old you are. How long is the drive?" Riley asks.

"About an hour" Tony answers for him. "We are leaving in 15 minutes so get what you need. We will be leaving the amusement park at no later than midnight, alright and if we need to we will leave instantly.

"And please be sensible everyone" Pepper adds, Riley hadn't actually noticed she was in the room.

"The groups will be able to meet up but if we want to separate those will be the groups. Please don't do anything stupid, looking at you Pietro" Tony says, he is very exited and has to act like he isn't, in truth he has wanted to do this since Peter first asked but didn't want to show it. He is also looking forward to seeing Steve manage everyone, he loved annoying Steve and he found this a very good way to do so. It's not that Tony doesn't like Steve he just finds his reactions to everything highly amusing as he is older.

The avengers spread out to get what they need, Riley grabs a back pack along with her phone and a charger pack for her phone, along with her purse/wallet, she also gets her headphones and a hoodie to wear when it gets colder. She walks back into the main room with her backpack on her back all ready to go. "Do you want to put your stuff in my bag Wanda?" Riley offer when she sees Wanda with her hands full, Wanda nods gratefully and puts her hoodie, phone and purse/wallet into the bag.

"Thank you, I don't have many bags" Wanda tells her girlfriend. Riley nods understandingly, she doesn't go to school like Riley does so wouldn't really need one.

"Everyone the cars are outside so please stay in the groups and don't cause chaos. Nat will drive for group 1, ill drive for the second group and Clint will drive for group 3" Steve says, Riley can tell he is anxious so she walks over to him and give shim a hug.

"Steve. Just take a breathe for a second. You are stressing yourself out, we will be fine alright, we are only going to the amusement park alright. We are going to be okay, if it helps we can phone every half an hour" Riley reassures the super soldier. Steve takes a deep breathe in and smiles.

"Thank you Riley, that would help. I just wan to make sure everyone is safe, a lot of things could go wrong" Steve says.

"Well Stevie, things can go wrong in anything we do and being safe all the time isn't exactly fun but I do understand where you are coming from. I'll make sure we are all alert" Riley says, Steve nods.

What the pair don't know is that Bucky is watching them in the background smiling at his boyfriend and the young girl he is with, he remembers a conversation he had with Steve a few months ago, Bucky thinks about it, he would be prepared with adopting Riley, she doesn't judge him and is strong and by adopting her she wouldn't the put in danger. Bucky wishes her could change his past and not have killed so many people, even though he couldn't control it, he still feels responsible. But Riley doesn't judge him for that. 'I needs to speak to Steve about it' he thinks, we watched Riley walk away from Steve and over to him.

"How are you James?" She questions, Bucky chuckles at the sue of his first name. "I was kinda confused on why you would be named Bucky but Steve told me your real names was James and Bucky was a nickname from your middle name or something. I figured it was a nickname but couldn't be sure" Riley rambles.

"I'm good Riley, I am glad you managed to calm Steve down, he feels responsible for the team and would hate himself if anything happens" Bucky says, Riley smiles and hugs him.

Bucky hugs her back surprised, he didn't exactly expect that. "I know you look after Steve but you should look after yourself too Bucky. I hope you have fun. I'll have to buy you some ice cream While we are there, remind me to do that for you and Steve, it matches your aesthetics you know Mr Frosty and Winter. Do you get it?" Riley says, Bucky laughs at her attempt at making a joke.

"I get it yes, and I wouldn't mind some ice cream" Bucky responds. "You know you dont expect to see a monster assassin at an amusement park"

"Great, also, I need you to remind me to arm wrestle you, me and Peter made a bet. You know your metal arm is actually awesome, Prince Cat must have liked you to give you something like that, pretty expensive birthday gift. And Bucky your are not a monster to me, I don't think anything about you is monstrous, there is a fighter, no a warrior and a survivor there but monster cant see a monster and I don't think anyone else can either. Anyway I have to go. See you later" Riley says before running off. Steve comes up next to Bucky and interlocks their hands and Bucky stands there confused, he doesn't know whether to laugh at what Riley called T'Challa or smile at the compliment of his arm or break down and cry, he has murdered so many people and yet how is he not a monster

"She really is something, she just knows exactly what to say and it's true Buck, you are no monster" Steve says, Bucky nods.

"I have been thinking about what you told me a few months ago, and I think we found the right child. I would be willing to adopt Steve actually i would love to adopt, maybe Riley. She knows  about us and understands everything, she also strong enough to protect herself" Bucky offers he feels like crying, he doesn't know how to feel, is Riley telling the truth, she looked like she was.

"Well, I think its a great idea, we will have to speak about it more after this trip, come here" Steve says after seeing tears form in Bucky's eyes. The couple hug each, they have been through so much together, they truly care for one another.

"I love you" they say at the same time, the pair smile before getting in the car.

"I have just reclaimed i have to be in the same car as sam for an hour, can we not go on this trip please?" Bucky says groaning at the realisation.

"You can sit in the front with me" Steve offers, Bucky nods happily and they share a passionate kiss before getting in the car.

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