22|Mission Report

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Riley's POV
I take in Bucky and Steve's appearance, they both have some bruises forming on their faces and some cuts and grazes that are visible from holes in their suits. We are all exhausted, this defiantly wasn't just a three people mission. I get up and sit in the gap between Steve and Bucky, I rest my head on Bucky's shoulder feeling exhausted. "That was a tough first mission for you Riley" Steve states.

"Yeah, well no shit" Bucky tells his boyfriend "there should have been more of us and why a sixteen year old as well. Don't get me wrong you did great Riley but if something happened-" Bucky says before I cut him off.

"It's fine, we are all mostly alright. Did you mange to get the weapons sorted?" I ask, they both nod before Steve speaks.

"It was tough, there were many guards and one of them launched a grenade at us which wasn't fun. We managed to sort it out fine though, you did very well Riley. There was lots more guards than we assumed, too successful first mission though so well done" Steve tells me, I hum tiredly agreeing with Steve.

"Riley, go to sleep, it's alright. You did great" Bucky tells me, I doze off after that my head still resting on Bucky's shoulder.

Steve's POV
I watch as Riley falls asleep. I need to have a word with Stark, sending us all on this mission this was too much for Rileys first mission. She got grazed by a bullet and that could have been much worse which scares me. She is only sixteen. I sigh and look over to her she looks very peaceful. I get up and sit on the other side of Bucky, wanting his comforting touch. Bucky smiles at me when I sit down and we interlock our little fingers gently. He smiles at me and I he leans in to kiss me as I do the same thing, we share a gentle kiss and smile at each other.

"This mission was a lot more difficult than Stark told us" Bucky tells me, I nod agreeing.

"Especially for Riley. That bullet graze could have been lots worse" I tell him, he nods and seems to remember something as he gently moves her head so she is leaning on my shoulder. He gets up and walks over to the med bag and gently wraps Riley's arm. Bucky doesn't take her suit off to respect her while she is still asleep. Bucky carefully slides her jumper on for her as well to make sure she doesn't get cold. I just admire my boyfriend, the dangerous HYDRA assassin, care for the sixteen year old. I smile and realise how I seem to fall in Bucky even more every day.

"I love you" I smile at him "I think you would be a great parent" I tell him, he blushes nervously and interlocks our fingers again after sitting down back to where her was and allowing Riley to rest her head on his shoulder again. "But did you really have to ask her about being adopted?" I tease, Bucky chuckles lightly.

"Well I know you wanted a child and we are already quote close to Riley and I just thought..." Bucky trails off not realising I was joking "I'm sorry if i made you upset or uncomfortable or something" he tells me, I laugh and smile at his cuteness.

'I was kidding Buck, I love you" I say and Bucky visibly relaxes and cuddles into me. We both smile and fall asleep.

After some time I am woken by Bucky. He signals towards Riley with his head. Riley is sweating and mumbling something. Bucky gently nudges her. "Riley its alright, we are nearly home. Wake up" Bucky says gently.

Riley's eyes slowly open and tears start falling down her face. She hugs Bucky tightly and he hugs back. "Do you want to talk about it?" Bucky asks. Riley seems to contemplate before deciding to go for it.

"After my parents k-kicked me out I-I was walking through the streets and someone almost erm, they tried to r-raped me and I-I just get nightmares about it and other stuff that happened o-on the streets" Riley tells us Bucky hugs her tighter and she cries on his shoulder. "I'm sorry" she tell us.

"Why are you sorry?" I ask, Riley snuffles.

"I don't want to burden you all with my problem, I shouldn't have said anything" she tells us.

"Riley, its fine. Me and Steve both get nightmares, I get them the worst but We both talk to each other about it, we find talking about it help. Obviously all people experimented it differently and have different ways to help them, well what I'm trying to say is we are always here if you need to talk" Bucky tells her sincerely, Riley nods gratefully.

After another half an hour of playing some card games we found on the jet we finally arrive back at the compound. We are all exhausted from the mission and just want some sleep. We all tiredly wonder into the compound. Peter Runs up to Riley and gives her a hug.

"I am so glad you are alright. Mr- Tony told me that the drones had been- well something shooed to the drones, I can't remember what Tony said but there was actually lots more guards than assumed and we couldn't contact you, something must have happened and. Was very nervous, so I am glad you are okay" Peter rambles. Riley smiles and hugs him.

"Everyone is in the kitchen, they had dinner later to wait for you, everyone was too nervous to sleep. There is some food for each of you too" Peter adds and we all follow him to the kitchen needing something to eat.

"Oh, erm Peter we kinda forgot to get some coms thats why you couldn't contact us. I though Steve was going to get them and he though i was going to get them. Oops" Bucky says nervously. Riley chuckles as we arrive in the kitchen.

"Oh thank god you are all okay. Someone didn't do enough checking and realise his drones were being manipulated" Nat says.

"Well it definitely wasn't a three person mission" I tell everyone.

"You all look like shit" Tony says. "I owe you all an apology though, I should have been more careful and properly checked the drones" Tony says.

"He apologised, he must feel super guilty" Sam exclaims chuckling. Tony just flips him off. Riley sits down on the floor tiredly.

"Fury wants a mission report as well" Nat tells us.

"What why, we are all tired and Riley would have to do a separate one because she went into her part alone while me and Steve went after the weapons" Bucky tells everyone.

"You guys sent the sixteen year old into the main part of the warehouse alone?" Tony exclaims.

"It's fine, I'll do the mission report tonight" Riley says as she takes her jumper off  "oh yeah, I forgot about that. I'll sort it out later" Riley says pointing to the bullet graze. "Thank you to whoever bandaged it earlier but it needs on directly on it rather than over the suit" she adds.

"I didn't want to take the suit of while you were asleep so I put it over the suit" Bucky says.

"Thank you, I am going to change and shower. I'll be back later" she says before waking out of the room.

"Why was that Riley's first mission that?" Clint questions "Peter's first mission was literally so simple, all he had to do was go stop a simple shop robbery" He adds.

"Favouritism" Yelena mutters "Stark obviously has a favourite spider" She tells everyone.

"I though the mission would be as simple as Peters first mission alright. I didn't know the drones had been bugged okay" he tells everyone "I apologised, I made a mistake"

"Riley dealt with the mission fine, no one was badly injured so let's just forget about it okay" I tell everyone, they just continue to eat and drop the topic. Everyone was tired and nervous for us and obviously gave Tony some greed while we were gone.

"You know Mr Sta-, I mean Tony I was wondering if we could all watch Hamilton later. Please? It will help us relax?" Peter question. Everyone chuckles at his request as it is very random.

"You know what kid, we can. But tomorrow night so we can rest. Deal?" Tony responds and Peter nods smiling widely

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