34|Murder List

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Riley's POV
Wanda is still sleeping, she has moved from my shoulder to my sternum but she seems comfortable so its fine. I turned the volume of the Tv down and decided to watch Pinocchio when brave ended. It is only nine so I have time to finish the movie before taking Wanda to her room and going to bed myself.

All of The Avengers walk in the room talking, that includes Steve, Bucky, Nat, Tony, Peter, Pietro, Yelena, Clint, Kate, Bruce, Loki and Vision, oh and Thor, he must have got back today. Why they are here I don't know, 'oh Clint's back, and Kate' I think to myself.

"What are you all doing in here" I whisper shout not wanting to Wake Wanda.

"Well we were going to all watch a movie as I complete forgot I promised Peter we could watch Hamilton" Tony says, of course he would do anything for Peter. Pepper walks through the door with drinks of coke and beer.

"Pepper is not your waiter, you should have got those yourselves, gentlemen" I state, "I am still confused on why every single person in the compound is here" I add

"Well the young mortal can be persuasive, besides I want to know what this 'hamilton' is" Thor booms.

"Thor, Shush, Wanda is asleep" I whisper scream at him, he nods "that goes for all of you" I say giving them glares.

Suddenly I hear Wanda mumbling "Pietro, no. Ultron, no, no" she mumbles quietly, no one seems to hear her but me and I seem to forget about everyone in the room as my attention is on Wanda and only Wanda.

"Wanda, Ultron is dead, Darling Pietro is fine. He is literally being his annoying self over there to my right. I promise its fine. Come on darling wake up" I state quietly gently shaking her, she wakes up with a gasp and hugs me tightly.

"I had a-a n-nightmare" she stutters thorugh stifled sobs.

"It's fine, you know I have much experience with them, if you look to my right you will see your brother pissing a lot of people off" I tell her, she chuckles and kisses me gentling on the lips and I kiss her back, the kiss is passionate but gentle and caring. It doesn't last long but it meant lots.

"I KNEW IT, pay up Steve" Nat says cheerfully, I blush a shade as red as Wanda's powers as she does the same. I forgot they were here. Oh, shit.

"How long has this been going on?" Tony questions, Peter is near him laughing.

I debate answering but decide there is no avoiding it "Well our first date was on the 2nd of October, our second on the 9th October where we also became a couple, and have been for just over two weeks as today is the 27th October" I say, Wanda smiles sweetly.

"Your so cute, you remembered all of the dates" she tells me, I nod happily and kiss her on the cheek quickly.

"Tony is incapable of doing that, though he has been getting better at it" Pepper says, we all laugh.

"Peter, I didn't know they had been dating, I knew about the first date. Super, double mission success" Pietro whispers to Peter, they high five each other.

"Sorry Wanda, one second I need to go and strangle you brother and my friend" I state before getting up and walking over to Peter and Pietro, I web Pietro's feet along with Peters to stop either of them running away. "What plan?" I ask threateningly.

"We will never tell, we done break!" Pietro's exclaims

"So on the day that I spoke to you about a month ago Pietro also spoke to Wanda because we knew you liked each other so we made a plan to try and get you to confess your feelings. You confessed first and if the plan didn't work we were going to set you up but you guys did that part yourselves, well you went on a date and now your like dating dating so its kinda a mission success" Peter rambles, Pietro slaps him.

"Looks like your partner let you down Pietro" I state before slapping them each across the face and them punching them each in the nose, not hard enough to break it but enough for it to hurt "seems I am murdering three people today, Pietro, Peter and Sam" I add

"I thought you forgot about that" Sam says.

"I was going to give Wanda on of those donuts so I would have been fine with you eating one as I would have been able to give her one but yo ate both. Who eats the last two donuts and them you proceed to land on me after falling out of the sky, I cannot forgot that Sam" I tell him.

"Riley, I told you that you cannot murder any Avengers no matter how much you may want to" Wanda tells me.

"No dont say that I want to watch" Yelena says at the same time Kate says "Wait, I need to get popcorn for this"

"No one is murdering anyone" Steve says leaderly

I huff and frown. "We are really sorry Riley" Peter says

"Really sorry" Pietro adds.

"I am sorry too, I wouldn't have eaten the donut if i knew it was Wanda's, you normally lets eat them so I though it was fine. But I cant apologises for landing on you that was your fault" Sam apologises.

"One second" I say, I pick up my note pad and cross of Sam's name

"Is that a list of who to murder?" Bruce questions

"Yeah, I though everyone had them, I didn't have time to write Peter's and Pietro so I don't need to cross them off" I tell everyone.

"Great, who's on there?" Natasha asks

"Flash/Eugene, My parents, obviously they are already dead but I didn't get the chance to murder them myself, some teachers from school and when I was on patrol some old lady hit me and said i was 'a danger to everyone' after I had just saved her so she is on there as 'random old lady bitch' some names are added then removed then added again so it changed but the rest are consistently there" I state, everyone nods slowly.

Wanda bursts out laughing with Yelena, Kate, Pietro and Peter, basically all the teens and Yelena who is like a child "you put down 'random old lady bitch' Thats hilarious" Yelena states through her chuckles, I nod.

"Why do we have young children on the team" Tony asks sighing.

"Because we are super strong and powerful, Like Wanda is in the top seven strongest out of everyone currently in the room" I tell them.

"Top seven?' Bucky questions

"Yeah, I cant decide exactly so seven" I tell them, they nod.

"I am going to bed, I am tired. Bye everyone" I tell them, they nod and I walk out. Wanda follows me and gives me a kiss before walking into her own room, I smile brightly, today has been pretty good.

Hello readers
If I have ever mentioned the date before it won't count as the dates in earlier chapters are the ones that are proper. I think Wanda's and Pietro's birthday is 10th February  according to Google so I'll say it's then :) thank you for reading hope you enjoyed the chapter. If anyone knows if they are actually born on another day then please tell me. google is being very vague and just telling me the year.

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