10|The Avengers

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General POV:
All of the avengers head into the meeting room, ready to tackle the mission that Fury has given them. They are all slightly unsure of what to do. peter is the most anxious, he terribly scared for his friend, he doesn't want Riley to have to join the Avengers, he knows her anxiety is bad and she is enjoying the freedom patrolling does for her, he fears she may loose that freedom. Peter knows it isn't what Riley wants at the moment so he will respect her wishes.

Peter is basically an Avenger himself but his situation is different, he a home to go back to after a long tiring mission, someone to care for him, he did have to tell MAy about him being Spider-Man but he didn't want to tell May about Rileys role until Riley wanted him to. Peter also has a stable living arrangement along with a room at the tower and he is close friends with each avenger. Riley wouldn't have that, she would be thrown into a room with Superhero's and Peter fears her anxiety would get the better of her and she may spiral into a Panic attack. Peter knows Riley likes to be more independent and has a very closed circle, she only lets very few people into her life as a fear they may neglect her like her parents did.

'Riley deserved better in life' Peter thinks, 'She didn't even get a chance for her parents to take her back in as they died, she has been beaten up on the trees, she thinks I don't know but I do, I can tell when she's had a rough night not just by bruises or cuts but by her body language and her confidence. She will speak less and keep her head down. I think the avengers may be able to help her but they need to do it right or they will just make her life harder and it worse for her' Peter is lost in his thoughts until Steve breaks him out of them by begging in to speak.

The meeting begins and Steve starts talking. "Ok we need to find this Spider lady, Tony your drones are set up around so everyone needs to be ready when a drone alert goes off alright"

Peter zone out not really interested in what they are planning to do with Riley. "Pete, i will fly you home in an iron man suit, I want you to look out for the spider, and call me if you see her. Alright?" Tony questions Peter who nods and they both leave the room.

Tony gets back around an hour later after a detour to eat some donuts. Most of the avengers decide to play a game of Monopoly while they wait, Bruce goes down to the lab and Loki just sits in the room reading waiting for something amusing to happen.

"Pietro, no using your super speed to cheat, got it?" Wanda questions her brother.

"I am twelve minutes older, I can do what I want" Pietro states, Wanda just glares at him, here yes going red and small red orbs forming in her hands. "Fine" Pietro huffs. Wanda smiles glad she can get her brother to behave, even though he is older her defiantly behaves like he is the younger twin.

Just as they are about to start Riley texts them.

Hey everyone
I forgot to ask everyone this earlier
Do you all like pancakes
Thanks for reminding me to ask Mr Frosty
And you Winter, Red and Mac.

Everyone chuckles at the question "I forgot about that, the reason you guys were added to the chat was so you could answer the question, Riley was having a debate with her friend who thinks everyone likes pancakes" Steve chuckles, everyone smiles and nods before responding.

I do

Mr Scientist:
They are alright


I do not know what they are like

They are not really my thing

HA, I won the debate
Thank you Mr Snake
And everyone else.
I have to go, bye thank you!

The Avengers all chuckle lightly at Rileys message, but before resuming their game of monopoly the drones alert Tony that The spider is on a room on a building in queens.

The avengers are quick to get suited up and get in the jet. They fly there quickly arriving in under twenty minutes.

They get out of the jet near to the place she was spotted and Nat and Yelena, along with Bucky get closer. The Avengers decided that the trained spies would be the best for the Job. Tony tried to call Peter but he didn't pick up. Of course he just ignored the call and tried to warn Riley as soon as he saw the contact.

Nat, Bucky and Yelena are all very confused they see The hero everyone calls the Spider dancing on a rooftop? "She seems to be dancing on a rooftop, like full on dancing" Nat says into the com, The Avengers get closer to see, all chuckling.

"I wanna join in" Yelena says childishly, "someone play some music" She adds, Nat hushes her sister as the all try and get loser but Riley notices just in time and swings away quickly.

Riley was very busy vibing to one of her current favourite songs, it was called Ava by famy. She had failed to notice the Avengers sneaking up on her, she felt her spider senses tell her something was wrong so she turned around quickly, she saw the black widow sneaking up on her. Her taser armed. Riley launched a web as fast as she could and swiftly swung away to Peters but the black widow had shot at her, hitting her on the right side of her abdomen, she flinched as it electrocuted her body.

Ending up letting go of the web, she fell and fell as she was swinging at quite a height. the Avengers couldn't do anything but watch as they were all to far away, Natasha felt terrible, she felt her guilt begin to eat her up.

But Riley had managed to gain consciousness again quick enough to shoot a web and break her fall slightly, still landing forcefully on the concrete. She winced as she rolled her ankle at the landing, he body ached. There was only one safe place she could go. Peter's.

Riley knew that May was out and Peter was home alone so she quickly swung there. Making sure no one had followed her by sneaking through alleys and tricking the avengers by swinging in different directions.

Riley landed at Peters and jumped into the window. She saw Peter and rushed out "Peter, the Avengers tried to capture me and black widow shot me and I fell really far but fought myself but I hurt me ankle and my body hurts from being electrocuted" Riley Rambled. Peter led her to the sofa and got her a blanket.

"Sleep, you need it. I know you woke early" Peter announces, he knew she was in pain and needed to sleep.

The avengers were frustrated that this person had got away but also relieved she was alright. Fury was going to blow them up, he would be very mad this person slipped out of their hands, they were so close and were very disappointed in themselves.

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