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Riley's POV
Me and Wanda are cuddled up on a sofa, her birthday is in two days and I finally have all of the gifts for her ready. The meeting about her and her brother's party ended about ten minutes ago. I don't know why we needed a whole meeting to discuss the party but Tony deemed it necessary. And Steve went full on soldier mode and went through safety precautions, along with some details about the day. There will be a party that begins at 4pm, that is the time people have been told to arrive, it will end at midnight and any guests will leave. There will be an 'Avengers after-party' as Tony called it, where only the Avengers will be allowed to stay and play some games or whatever Tony has planned, presents will also be given at that time I think. I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have. I got really bored, and fell asleep. I didn't mean to but I think I heard all of the key details.

Wanda's birthday is also only 4 days before Valentine's Day, so I was also thinking about the date I have planned. I mentioned that I would plan the date for Valentine's Day to Wanda and she said she would plan the next date we went on. Our 5 month anniversary is also coming up, tomorrow. We decide to do something next month for our 6 month as there is lots going on this month with Wanda's birthday and Valentine's Day and 6 months is kinda more important? Known? Its more of a thing than 5 months. We have lots of late night conversations, that involve me having a thought and waking Wanda to discuss it or vice Versa. Sometimes waking each other up is an accident but sometimes after lots of consideration its intentional.

Kate rushed into the room excitedly "can we do another teen movie night, I feel like they are called that now. We haven't done one in ages in know its Thursday and we usually have them on Fridays but we wont want to sleep in really late on your's and Pietro's birthday Wanda so. Can we have on tonight, we still haven't finished 'stranger things' please?" Kate says. I nod smiling, Movie night was something i loved and missed in Hydra, we all goofed about and had fun, with something playing in the background. But someone shush send everyone during the important and interesting parts. It was just so much fun.

"Yeah, I missed those" I say enthusiastically, Wanda smiles at me sadly. "I didn't mean to make you sad" I offer frowning.

Wanda laughs lightly "I would love to come too, so Kate we will be there" Wanda replies turning to Kate, who nods and runs away again.

Wanda tuns to me "You didn't make me sad, I just, I can't imagine how you must have felt stuck in Hydra, and I really missed you so I just remembered how I felt I guess. We didn't have any more movie nights after you were taken, they wouldn't have been the same. I just felt so helpless all the time while you were gone, I just wanted to spend every minute trying to get you back but there was little we could do. I missed you so much" Wanda says, a single tear falling down her face, she quickly wipes it away but not before I see it.

"I will admit being stuck in Hydra was horrible but knowing you and everyone else i care for was safe kept me going, You guys kept me Alive, so you did all you needed. You also got me out of there, which must have been difficult" I offer, My legs jigs at the topic at memories rise to the surface, but still I am trying to reassure Wanda, I hate making Wanda feel guilty. Wanda and I wrap our arms around each other tighter and hug. Both of us embracing it and melting to each others touch. We don't talk about this much due to it making us emotional, its as tentative topic. "I'm sorry, I don't like talking about it" I add feeling the tears pool in my eyes feeling the need to explain why I am crying, also trying to block the memories out, I don't want a panic attack, I hate them.

"You don't have to justify crying Riley. let's talk about something else. Have you decided to buy Pietro a present? Because he does not deserve one" Wanda says making a light joke, I chuckle.

"I have already brought him one, I need to get on his good side. As Peter said, I am dating his sister. You. So I do not wish to become his enemy as I want stay in a relationship with you and to live a little longer" I offer, Wanda laughs.

A few hours later and me and Wanda were walking through the compound ready to meet Kate, Pietro and Peter in the cinema/movie room ready to watch some more stranger things episodes. I had carried the drinks and Wanda had carried some snacks.

"Hello!" Peter said happily when me and Wanda entered the room.

"Food!" Pietro exclaimed, turning his head after hearing Peter greet us.

"Glad to see you too brother, for that you wont be getting any food. There was no 'hi Wanda' or anything you only spotted the food" Wanda said, rolling her eyes, I just laughed at the interaction

"Hello Pete" I say cheerfully as Wanda and Pietro begin a sibling squabble, "Hi Kate" I add turning to the girl.

"Hello Riley, thanks for bringing some food and drinks, these morons forgot even though I asked them to bring some, but its fine, should I start the show?" Kate asked, I nodded. "You know this is kinda like a teenager day, except for that meeting earlier" Kate adds

"I suppose it is, Lets see when they notice its began" I state referring to Wanda and Pietro who are still arguing, while sitting next to her. Kate smiles and nods. The volume is loud enough for us to hear it but Wanda and Pietro seem to be to focused on their argument to hear it.

Pietro turns around and notices, he speeds over to us and sits by Peter "you could have tell us you had began" He complains

"Well maybe if you two had been paying attention you would have noticed" I reply, Wanda nods.

"Its a fair point Pietro" Wanda says smiling, while she puts her head on my shoulder and her legs up on the sofa. I hum lightly agreeing.

"Riley can you pass me a coke?" Pietro asks from the other sofa, where is his sat with Pietro. I nod and chuck it over to him. He turns his head quickly and goes to catch it but Pietro moves at the wrong moment right into the line of fire, and it hits him square in the face. I burst out laughing, so does Wanda and Kate. Peter looks nervous, but laughs to when Pietro pretends to faint and fall of the sofa.

"You may be the oldest but you are the weakest. It was a can of Coke Pietro not a bullet" Wanda declares shaking her head. I snort at her comment. Only to remember Pietro almost died from getting shot. The colour drains from my face as I realise. I look over to Wanda and she seems to realise at the same time, she looks mortified but tried to cover it up.

"Come on! It hurt, I think I have a concussion, so thats for that Riley" Pietro complains, seemingly not realising how the comment could have been interpreted as.

"Well Peter failed to catch it fast enough and you moved right in front of where is was going to go" I reply, defending my actions, still chuckling lightly. Pietro mumbles something I don't hear and we all return our focus the to TV, wide smiles on all of our faces.

I hear someone mutter "teenagers" so I turn my head to see Natasha smiling from the doorway. I chuckle lightly in response.

"How are you Nat?" I ask, "do you need anything"

"I'm good, Tony just wondered where you are, he said something about making sure you weren't out doing drugs. He really trusts you guys" Natasha replies.

"Thanks Tony, like we would ever do drugs" Peter mutters to himself.

"We are just watching this, so see you later Nat" Pietro says

"Don't be rude!" Wanda shouts at her brother.

"Here we go again" Kate mutters, shaking her head ready for another sibling squabble.

Natasha laughs "I'll see you guys later, glad you're all okay" She says before walking away. I smile and laugh lightly.

"Can you all shut up, I'm trying to watch this part" Pietro shouts, even though he was the one arguing with Wanda, who wasn't saying much.

Wanda sighs at her brother and turns to me "the fact he is 18 in two days scares me, he behaves like he is 5, in a few years when he allowed alcohol we need to watch him" Wanda whispers to me, I nod and smirk.

"You might be the same" I joke, Wanda smiles.

"well, I will have you to watch me, you will have to wait a year and a few months after I am allowed to drink" she says with a smile.

"I suppose I do, I'll make sure you don't do anything too stupid, I'll make sure to be there and record it" I offer, Wanda laughs lightly.

"As long as you record Pietro too, thats fine by me" she says, I give her a small kiss before responding.

"Of course"

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