29|Strongest Soldier

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General POV
Riley walked into the compound lazily, she was tired and mentally drained. The Avengers were in the kitchen and saw her arrive. "What are you here? You school doesn't finish for another two hours?" Tony questions.

Nat looks towards Riley asking for her approval, Riley nods allowing Nat to tell them. "Riley had a long panic attack at school so MJ called Peter who called me" Nat states.

"How long is long?" Steve questions concerned, eyes turn to Nat and Riley waiting for an answer.

"30 minutes" Riley responds, she can feel the eyes on her and she hates it. She looks to the floor not wanting to meet peoples eyes.

"Why, what caused it?" Tony questions nervously, he cares for Riley as is concerned, he has some understanding of panic attacks the most out of the people in the room from having a few himself but not very long ones.

"I spiralled, just thought I was alone and people hated me" Riley mutters, she wants to get the attention for her quickly and not have everyone waiting for an answer, some catch it, Wanda being one for them, she thinks this at be partly about her as well as the others, she decides to speak to Riley later.

"I'm sorry" Bucky mumbles breaking the silence that fell over the room.

"I'm going to my room" Riley mutters before walking out of the room.

"Should we leave her?" Wanda questions, Nat nods.

"I spoke to her a little bit in the car and I think someone should visit her later and bring her some food and water but for a little bit leave her, she needs some rest" Nat informs them, they nod and continue to talk but each of their minds on Riley.

Wanda waits half an hour before getting some crackers and water and hading up to Riley's room. "Riley, can I come in?" Wanda asks. She hears a quiet 'yes' and uses her powers to open the door, she finds Riley with a red eyes and a tear stained face that was pressed into her pillow. Wanda puts the crackers and glass of water on the desk and walks over to Riley's bed.

Wanda sits on the end of the bed and gently takes Riley's hand "why can't I just be normal?" Riley questions, mumbling into her pillow. "Like everyone else, without stupid anxiety. Why do I have to be like this"

"What is the definition of normal? Our normal expectations about reality are created by others and what we see, so its time to find a new normal because sometimes 'normal' can hold you back and I think that Normal is just the wrong name often used for average Riley, who wants to be average" Wanda states, Riley sits up and nods and Wanda opens her arms allowing Riley to fall into them and hug her tightly

"Thank you" Riley mumbles into Wanda's shoulder.

"Also I'm still waiting on that second date" Wanda says, Riley smiles "lets watch a movie, I got some food and water for you too" Wanda says, she uses her powers to lift the food over to Riley who smiles gratefully and bites into the crackers.

Wanda and Riley cuddle into each other and watch a movie, eventually the pair fall asleep in each other's arms

Riley's POV
Wanda's arms give me some safety, something I don't remember feeling for a while, it is so relaxing and makes me feel secure, I allow myself to drift into hopefully what is dreamless sleep. But that chances of that are low after my panic attack today, once the bad thoughts start they dont stop so simply.

Flashback: TW (mention of suicide/considered attempt and slurs)
I am wondering around the streets, I have lived like this for two weeks now, my life is pretty dull. I have to spend hours finding a place to sleep, I get beaten up on a daily basis and am tired, so fucking tired.

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