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General POV
Riley had two hours to plan what she wanted to do with Wanda for their date, she wants it to be perfect. Riley knows she wants to take Wanda on a walk and get some food, like donuts or ice creams or milkshakes. Riley eventually decides that a walk around central park reservoir and Central park would suit as they can talk and find some food.

Riley is fidgeting and her leg is jigging with excitement and nerves, she knows she needs to do something for an hour or she will get so nervous and spiral. She decides to go to the running track and do some laps around it. Riley puts a sports bra on and some shorts she gets a drinks bottle to fill up on the way and puts her headphones on.

Once Riley arrives in the kitchen she grabs a cereal bar and fills up her drink, Riley walks out of the compound and heads to the running track. Riley does some stretches before starting a gentle jog which would eventually build up to a fast sprint. With the Spider bite Riley can run faster than Steve, Bucky and Peter. She is stronger and more agile too but that could be because the spider wasn't made in the same was as the serum but that is known as it comes with the sticking to walls as well.

Riley is bopping her head lightly to the music while sprinting around the track, she does lots of running so is finding this very easy and isn't really that out of breath. Steve and Bucky were also wanting to use the running track, they wanted to see who was fastest or 'which scientist made the better serum' Steve argues that it would not be fair because he was, as Bucky calls it 'a tiny puny little asthmatic kid who got into too many fights' but they are still going to race.

They both arrive at the track talking lightly but they see Riley sprinting around the track making the speed and distance she is doing look like to nothing. "I knew she was good but I didn't expect this" Bucky tells his boyfriend "we could race her too" he suggests excitedly. Steve laughs and nods.

"Alright, I think she will win though" Steve says, Bucky smiles and tries to get Riley's attention by waving at her. Which eventually does work. Riley takes out one of her earphones as to signal they can speak.

"Do you want to race us? me and Steve were going to race each other but since you're here we could race you too" Bucky asks, Riley nods and puts the earphone back in while walking to the start line.

"How about five laps?" Riley questions, Steve and Bucky nods.

"Three, two, one, go!" Steve shouts, they all begin, Riley has about ten meters on Steve and Bucky after the first lap. Eventually they all finish and Riley wins by nearly a whole lap, Bucky was screaming at her telling her to slow down because he wanted to win. Steve and Bucky finish the race at around the same time with Steve winning by about fifteen meters. Riley does a little victory dance while Steve and Bucky do some moping.

Riley checks the time, she has 45 minutes before it is time to leave for her date with Wanda. "Sorry, I have to go, I need to get ready for something. good race, a real tough one to win" Riley rushes out while leaving. Steve and Bucky laugh lightly at her sarcasm.

Riley showers and makes sure to properly do her hair, she dries it and styles it how she likes it. She picks put an outfit after some debating and makes the decision to read for a little while as she got ready faster then she thought she would.

Meanwhile in Wanda's room her and Pietro are talking about the date Wanda has, she ended up telling him pretty much as soon as Riley left her room. "I might have to speak with her, I need to protect my little sister so if she hurts you come to me and I will help you kill her if we need to" Pietro says aggressively, Wanda chuckles lightly but then what Pietro has just said properly processes. She frowns.

"Piet, you can't kill her, she is great. You can't threaten her like that and I don't need your help to kill anyone, you are twelve minutes older and that is all" Wanda states confidently.

"Fine, but I get to watch if you want to kill her, I'll cheer you on" Pietro adds, Wanda glares at him.

"We are not killing her okay, so stop plotting her death, I wont tell you next time I have a date if you keep being an idiot like you are now" Wanda tells her brother, "help me pick out an outfit, Riley said to wear something casual, she is coming here at nine" Wanda adds

After some time Wanda is ready she is wearing some jeans, a black top and a black hoodie, with some white trainers.

After some pacing from both Wanda and Riley, Riley leaves her room and knocks on Wanda's door, Wanda opens the door with a smile. "Hello" Wanda greets, Riley smiles back.

"Are you ready?" Riley asks awkwardly, "You look beautiful Wanda, I am honestly very surprised you said yes to a date with me" she adds.

"You look amazing, don't sell yourself short, you are absolutely date-worthy" Wanda replies, Riley smiles softly and the walk into the kitchen. (A/N, Riley's outfit is below)

—————————————I know this is a shorter chapter, so I apologise, i was going to have this one be the date chapter but I wanted to add some time before the date too

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I know this is a shorter chapter, so I apologise, i was going to have this one be the date chapter but I wanted to add some time before the date too. I have loads of ideas for Riley and Wanda's relationship so i am looking forward to that, anyway have a great day, the next chapter will be the first date one.

And I don't really know where everything is in New York Because I have never been and Live in England but lets say that central Park is half an hour walk away from the compound.

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