19|Teen Movie night

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Riley's POV
I wake to the loud buzzing and beeping of my irritating alarm. I need to set a different sound, the on I have is going to burst my eardrums, its so horrible to wake to. I roll out of bed slowly. I have an hour before the movie gathering. I did make sure I had enough time to get ready when I set my alarm.

I didn't have a nightmare in my nap which was so nice, I actually got some good sleep and feel much better. I decide to shower, I walk into the bathroom making sure I have a towel and a new set of clothes to change into before undressing. I get in the shower turning the water on, I feel the warm water hit my back. My shoulders relax along with my previously tense muscles. I smile when the realisation sets in again, I live here.

I get out of the shower, dry myself off and put some fresh clothes on. I decide to wear a navy oversized hoodie with just a sports bar on underneath, i put on some looser fit leggings and I sort out my hair and brush my teeth. After just finishing off my hair i hear my phone ping. After glancing at the screen I see its Wanda texting me, I put down the hair brush and pick up my phone to open the message.

Hello Riley
I just wanted to ask if you still wanted to do the movie thing
Peter, Pietro, Kate and me will be there

Hello Wanda
Yes I think I will going
I am getting ready now
I may need some help with directions to the room

That great
I'll help you find the room
Just knock on my door when you are ready
I'll be in my room

Bye, I'll knock on your door

I smile at my phone. Even the simplicity of the messages are making me smile. Uhhhh.

I distract the myself by finishing my hair and grabbing my phones and headphones. It is 9:45, that not too early. I knock on Wanda's door. "Just a minute" I hear her shout. I nod, then realise the door is close.

"Okay" I respond still feeling very stupid for just nodding at a door but at least no one was there to see. After a couple of minutes Wanda walks out of her room smiling. She is wearing some casual navy jeans with a black top and black jacket that goes a little bit past her waist. Even in something so simple she looks so beautiful. "Hi" I say happily while waving awkwardly. Wanda chuckles and waves back, my smile widens.

"Hello, I just need to get some more snacks and drinks. Everyone ate them at the movie night yesterday" Wanda tells me.

I chuckle "well with gods and super soldiers there I am not surprised" I say, Wanda chuckles. We get to the kitchen and wanda picks up a large jug of water and fills it with her red orbs. She also grabs some cans of coke and some other fizzy drinks. She crabs some packets of chips and some chocolate and sweets. All of this she does with the red orb things, they must be tiring to use but must make everything so much easier.

"I can carry the drinks" I offer "from what I understand superpowers like yours can't exactly be unused limitlessly without tiring yourself" I add. Wanda nods and passes me the drinks. I carry them with ease to the room, following Wanda still finding this place a lot like a maze.

When we arrive I place the drinks down into the mini fridge and wanda puts the food down next to it. "Thank you for helping" Wanda tells me, I smile and sit down on the sofa. Wanda sits next to me and we just have causal conversation while waiting for everyone else.

Peter and Pietro arrive a few minutes later and Kate arrives a little while after them, "sorry, I had no idea where this room was" Kate says.

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