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Riley's POV
Peter is currently leading me to his house, he has been pestering me about having a Star Wars movie marathon and eating loads of snacks and chilling out before sleeping. He is being like a young child having their first sleepover.

"May has really missed you Riley. You should come round more often, may is going to be so happy to see you. She absolutely loves you, she thinks of you like her niece. You know I feel like we are siblings sometimes, i think we have that bond, right?" Peter asks happily.

"Sure Pete, I guess we kinda do. Both of us are spiders so maybe" I responds, Peter's smile widens and he has a cheery bounce in his steps. I chuckle at his antics.

"Love ya Pete" I tell him, he is one of the few constants in my life, one of the few that really care about me.

"i love you too Riles, as a sibling though, nothing more" he responds awkwardly. I chuckle.

"Peter I am gay, I can admit you are cute but not my type. I like girls, I thought you new this, I'm a lesbian Pete. No guys stand a chance with me, absolutely none" I joke, Peter chuckles and we continue walking.

We arrive at Peters house, he has a small apartment but it's nice, homey and friendly. Peter opens that door and walks in, we both take off our shoes before walking inside. "HI may, we have a visitor" Peter exclaims, May comes running into the room, she smiles when she sees me.

"Riley, its been ages. Please tell you are staying over, Peter has been whining bout it for ages saying he wanted you to sleep over. Have you been eating enough? I also heard from Peter you haven't been getting as much sleep as you should have? Come on i'll get you some food, we can order some Pizza, that alright Peter?" May questions and rambles about my health.

"May, woah slow down. I'm good, Pizza sounds good. I was planning on sleeping over, if its not okay then I'll leave" I say nervously, May pulls me into a hug.

"Riley, you know you are always welcome" May states warmly. May brings me in for a hug but her face contorts to a confused one. She lifts up the bottom of my jumper and shirt revealing my abdomen and she touches my biceps "Jesus Riley, you have been working out more, I knew you have muscles but I didn't know you were this toned. Peter Riley's muscles are bigger than yours" May shouts the last part making me go red from the embarrassment.

"Maaayyyyyyy, you cant just lift my shirt and feel my arms" I respond.

"I can and will, I thought you had a stronger grip and wanted to know why" May states, I groan and suddenly remember mine and Peters conversation on the way here.

Oh and I think your nephew is dumb, I just had to come out to him again. We were saying how we loved each other and Peter added onto his I love you 'as a sibling though, nothing more' how did he get into midtown again?' I question teasingly. Peter sighs and scurries out of the room not wanting to hear May laugh at him.

"Peter" May screams "He might be you know Riley, he's a bit of a dork as you call him" may chuckles "I larb you Peter" she shouts making sure peter heard from the other room, using their inside joke Peter has explained to me.

They have such a great relationship that I wish I had with my family but mine either despise me for being gay or are dead so thats fan-fucking-tactic, I put on a smile walking into Peters room ready to watch some Star Wars with him, its been a while since I have watched a movie so I'm kinda exited.

"Hurry up, I got some snacks and Pizza will be here soon, help yourself to some drinks from my mini freezer. We need to start now if we want to get through a decent amount before midnight" Peter tells me excitedly, I grab a Pepsi max from his mini fridge, taking small sips every now and then.

Peter starts the films and we get ready to watch many Star Wars movies. I don't really follow the Star Wars films but pretend I do for Peters sake. I always seem to end up lost in my thoughts and zoning out, Peter must think I'm just very closely watching the movie or something.

It was pretty calm for a while, May brought me and Peter some pizza half way though the first one and we both thanked her. After watching around 5 movies Peter decided we should probably sleep as it was approaching one in the morning, Peter fell asleep before me but he sleep like a baby. I fell asleep only a little while after but I haven't slept in a few days so I wasn't surprised.

I always fall into restless sleeps, full of nightmares and flashbacks of many traumatic past experiences.

Flashback: TW (attempted Rape)
I am walking thorough the streets, mum and dad have kicked me out only hours ago, I feel weak from the panic attack I just had, my finger hurts from that fucking spider bite. I have nowhere to go. No money. Just a bag with my phone an some others vital things. I decide not to bother Peter, I don't want to pester him. He already has things to do that are more important than me.

While walking I hear someone wolf whistle. "Hey beautiful" they shout, I try and ignore them keeping my head down, its a guy and I'm not interested in anyone who wants to try and hook up with me on the steers like they do.

"What are you doing out so late, let me take you home. Look after you. How does that sound?" he questions, I try and keep walking until he grabs me by the arm.

"Don't ignore me when I am speaking to you" he shouts, he drags me into any alley.

"I am sorry but I am not interested, I'm gay" i mutter knowing it wont really make a difference but still doing it.

"Well i am interested so you are going to do what I say, come on undress" He says, I shudder desperately wanting to get out. His hands are on my wrists pulling them above my head. His chest is pressed into mine. I search my mind trying to think of anything I can do. I lift up my knee harshly, kneeing him in the balls. He lets go of my wrists and as he stumbles back I quickly trip him and kick him in the balls again before springing away. I find a tall tree and climb up it deciding that would be the safest place for the moment.

My body is still shaking and tears still streaming down my face from what almost happened. I don't manage to sleep. I just lay in the tree looking up at at the stars

End of flashback.

I didn't exactly want to write that part of the chapter but I had to
It needed to be there for the story
I apologise everyone

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