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Wanda's POV
I have just finished training, Peter arrived back at the compound earlier today after going his nose broken. Well he claims he fell but I think we all can tell someone broke it. Riley has a dentition so wont be back until around half four.

I head to my room and see a voicemail left on my phone from Riley. I smile and listen to it  "Hello Darling" I hear Riley's calming voice, she sounds out of breath. Like she is running "so I'm being followed and I think it's Hydra. I am running away but I feel they are going to catch me. I don't think I can outrun them forever but I'll try for as long as I can. I know you are probably Training or something like that but I just wanted you to know that I-I, I love you. I have been wanting to say it for a few days now and always got too nervous. You don't have to love be back I just wanted to tell you, I love you Wanda Maximoff, i know it sounds so cringy and stupid and I hate how stereotypical I am being but it's true, Wanda I-" the call ends, the tears fall from my eyes. Riley is with Hydra now, who knows what they are going to do to her.

The realisation hits me, I never got to say it back. I wanted to tell Riley I loved her for ages but never got the opportunity to "I love you too" I mutter under my breath. I fell to my knees crying. Suddenly I hear a knock at the door.

"Wanda you left your drink in the training room" Natasha's voice says, she opens the door and I feel myself being engulfed in a hug. "What's wrong?" She asks gently.

"R-Riley, Hydra they got Riley, I never got to say it back" I mutter into Nat's shoulder.

"Shit, how do you know?" She asks, I point to my phone "A voicemail" Nat mutters. "Lets go to tony, the tracker should be there, We will find her" Nat tells me. I nod slightly tears still in my eyes. Nat helps me up. We walk to the main room where Pietro goes to me after seeing me upset and hugs me tightly.

General POV

"Tony, Riley has been taken she left Wanda voicemail. Track her" Natasha says while glancing over at Wanda who is crying on Pietro's shoulder. While Tony is getting the tracker up they play the voicemail on Tony's request. Nat understands what Wanda meant by 'I didn't get to say it back'

"This is my fault" Peter says "If I didn't let Flash punch me that I could have stayed with Riley and she would be here safe in the compound" peter says.

"Now kid, don't beat yourself up, We will talk about this Flash later. Unless Flash is the name of the floor you hit your nose on" Tony tells Peter.

"We will get her back, that tracker should work" Steve says trying to reassure the boy.

"Got the location up, lets go" Tony says, everyone suits up and heads to the warehouse where the tracker is. Vision, Kate and Clint decide to stay behind incase anyone attacks the tower.

While on the jet everyone sits anxiously waiting, hoping that they will find Riley safe and unharmed. The journey feels long but in reality is only half an hour.

"Right, off the jet. We need to search the whole place for anything. It will probably be heavily armed" Steve orders after they arrive.

"Can anyone see anything, or anyone?" Bucky asks, he feels incredibly paranoid and on edge since Hydra is part of his past.

"I cannot see the mortal" Thor booms.

Everyone searches the whole warehouse and are met with nothing but any empty rooms, they search the whole thing and eventually find a note that reads 'if you Avengers do not leave you will all be killed. Your precious Spider is ours now, if you try anything she will be killed along with anyone who gets in our way. You didn't think we wouldn't search her for any trackers. Now leave and forget about her, and no harm will come to any of you, we will never see you again, you will never see her again. Hail Hydra' Everyone reads the note, Wanda's eyes fill with tears as soon as she reads it, Pietro tightly hugs his twin tightly knowing she needs the comfort.

Everyone stands there shocked, frozen, they fear for Riley's safety and hope she is alright. The only one who knows Riley may not make it out alive is Bucky. He is the only one who truly knows what hydra is like and how they treat the people there. He hopes Riley will be fine, he desperately wants her to make it out alive.

"Come on. lets gets back to the compound, we can try to find her. We'll make a plan" Tony says slowly, he is trying not to let his morbid feelings show. He is truly terrified for Riley, Hydra killed his parents and made it look like a car crash, they could do much worse to Riley.

Everyone gets on the jet, the atmosphere is very sorrow and mournful. They didn't want this to happen, they tried as hard as they could to prevent it, but it was inevitable that Riley would be found eventually.

The Avengers were so disheartened, they thought they could protect their youngest member and failed.

Upon arriving at the compound everyone goes their separate ways, some to the training room to take out their anger, some go to their rooms to try and distract themselves or just to sit and think and some go to alcohol - like Tony. Bucky, yelena, Steve, and Nat went to the training room. Sam, Peter, Kate, Wanda and Pietro went to their rooms (Tony informed Clint, Kate and vision of what had happened as well as giving them the note to read)

Wanda decided to shower, to try and feel better, fresher, normal, but grief doesn't work that way. She got out of the shower feeling no different. She made her way into Rileys room and slumped onto the girls bed. She laid there crying, her eyes were red and tears rolled down her cheeks, she was holding one of Riley's hoodies and the red elephant she had been given just over a week ago when everything was normal.

She didn't know when she would see Riley again, and hoped it wouldn't be too long. But didn't ant any false hope, she knew deep down that it might be a long time before she ever got to see Riley again, she also knew it might never happen.

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