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General POV
Riley was taking a shower, she wanted to wash off her wounds and the dried blood from her body, Riley was also singing while showering.

She was sining this side of paradise by Coyote Theory, she had a shower playlist which she loved to sing to, thats why is was called her shower playlist.

Ask me why my heart's inside my throat
I've never been in love, I've been alone
Feel like I've been living life asleep
Love so strong it makes me feel so weak

(Are you lonely?)
Our fingers dancing when they meet
You seem so lonely
(Are you lonely?)
I'll be the only dream you seek
So if you're lonely, no need to show me
If you're lonely come be lonely with me

What Riley didn't know was that as she was singing Peter had walked through the front door with a McDonald's in his hand. He had gotten Riley her favourite, three chicken select meal with a coke. So he was so proud of himself, Riley hadn't had a McDonald's in ages so he took the opportunity to get her one.

Peter heard Riley signing and decided to listen.

Lonely (Are you lonely?)
Passion is crashing as we speak
You seem so lonely
(Are you lonely?)
You're the ground my feet won't reach
So if you're lonely, Darling you're glowing
If you're lonely come be lonely with me

Underneath the pale moonlight
Dreaming of a circus life
Carousels and ferris heights
I'll be yours if you'll be mine

Cause I'm lonely, I'm so lonely
If you hold me, I'll be your only
(Are you lonely?)
Our fingers dancing when they meet
You seem so lonely
(Are you lonely?)
I'll be the only dream you seek
So if you're lonely, no need to show me
If you're lonely, come be lonely with me

Are you lonely?
Passion is crashing as we speak
You seem so lonely
You're the ground my feet won't reach
So if you're lonely
Darling you're glowing
If you're lonely come be lonely with me

When the song ended Peter started clapping, it was loud enough that Riley heard him. She scrambled out of the shower and got changed. "Peter, warn me next time, you should have stopped me and called when you were home." Riley screams.

"Im, sorry, will McDonald's make up for it?" Peter questions sheepishly, Riley smiles and nods. Peter smiles back relieved. The pair eat McDonald's in a peaceful silence.

"I need some sleep Peter, I'm sleeping on the couch, if you could repair my suit that would be great. Oh and I found the bandages" Riley says as she lifts her hand to show it and bandaged properly.

"Cool, get some rest, you deserve it. I'll sort out the suit" Peter responds, Riley nods before pulling the blanket over her and falling asleep quickly. Peter smiles at the sleeping girl, very proud of what she did today a little bit frustrated with her that she put herself in that situation, stayed there and upset with how injured she was but he knows thats not her fault, overall he is proud of her.

Peter decides to just do some jobs around his apartment and tidy it. After a few hours His Aunt walks in. May's eyes land on Riley "What happened????" May exclaims after seeing Rileys face.

"She is alright, well you know how I'm Spider-Man, she is The Spider and had a tough battle so don't wake her." Peter rushes out.

"She's what?" May whisper screams. Peter shushes her and brings her into another room. After a good half an hour of Peter repeating it and explaining what happened May and after processed it. May went out to collect some Chinese take-away food. She had decided Riley deserved it after the tough mission even though Peter said her had already given her McDonald's May was adamant that Riley was having some Chinese food, and Peter loved it so he couldn't exactly complain.

When May got back the table was laid and Drinks had been placed on the table, water for the teens but some alcohol for May. Peter and Riley were dancing and singing along to a random song that way playing on the radio.

May chuckled as she walked into the room, Peter and Riley instantly went red and slowly shuffled out of the room to Peters bedroom. May called them back less than 5 minutes later to say that the food was ready for them to eat. They both ran into the room but Peter slipped and landed flat on his face, hitting the floor with a loud thud.

"Peter, I thought you had powers to make you stick to things" May exclaims while laughing, making Peter's face go even redder than it already was. Riley is in hysterics on the floor, and Peter joins in.

After a good ten minutes of laughing they finally eat their food and make some casual conversation "so Riley, when did you get your powers?" May questions.

"How does she know?" Riley whispers to Peter aggressively.

"I accidents let it slip after she saw you asleep and super injured" Peter harshly whispers back

"I thought you would have come up with a good excuse, you useless Peter" Riley replies. "Erm it was the same night my fake family kicked me out" Riley tells May, May looks confused.

"Who is your real family, if they were a fake family?" May questions curiously.

"You guys" Riley responds happily "You May and Peter Parker are my real family, because you cared for me without judging me because of who I was attacked to, you looked after me when My biological parents didn't" Riley adds. May smiles and get sup to hug her, Peter joining in after awkwardly getting up from his chair and knocking over a glass of water.

"I am so grateful, if you guys didn't help me I don't think I would be alive right now, so thank you" Riley tells the pair, who smile sadly.

"Well Riley, I am very grateful to have you in my life. You have made it entertaining and helped Peter, I am glad he has a friend like you" May tells her daughter figure who smiles happily.

"Sorry, I don't want to ruin the moment but I really need to wee, so I'm just gonna go. Bye" Peter says before awkwardly leaving the room, Riley chuckles and so does May, they hug again before deciding to put on a movie. When Peter gets back he sits on the sofa, plonking himself right in the middle of May and Riley a bowl of popcorn in his hands. Unfortunately Peter did not realise it was a horror movie so the popcorn would be spilled over Riley, May and Peter himself many times throughout the film. This wasn't really Peter's day.

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