9|Meeting Riley

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Steve's POV
We, the avengers, were in a meeting. We are all being told off by Fury, who needed us to bring in the new hero that they learned is called The Spider. Fury was mad, he had us them to get to it a nearly a week ago but we hadn't made any progress. This new hero didn't have a registered address or home they went to, not much camera footage that led to them, they were a mystery.

"You should have found them by now, we need them on the team. I though Peter new them? Has he done anything?" Fury asks us.

"He told us that he brought the topic up and she just brushed over it, ask ally ignoring the question and that he didn't want to push it" Tony says, not wanting Peter to get into too much trouble.

"Well tell him to do better and actually get some information" Fury demands.

"Peter is 17 alright, he is just a kid, and I think that the other hero is the same age as him from what I can gather, so just drop it Fury. I have FRIDAY on it, getting any camera footage she can and I have drones flying around New York. Especially in the area of queens. I'll try and get some information on Peter. He is on the way. He was having a sleepover or something tonight. So he'll get here in around an hour" Tony announces to Fury.

Nat, Yelena, me and Bucky suddenly get a message. It was a loud ping so we turn their phones on silent before waiting for a few minutes then opening the message.

Hello everyone
I don't mean to disturb
But do any of you like pancakes
I was having a debate with my friend
He said 'everyone likes pancakes'
I know I do but I don't think everyone does
I just wanted your opinion
Again sorry if I disturbed you

I chuckle at the question and how Riley keep a apologising. So do Yelena, Nat and Bucky. I am the first to respond.

Mr Frosty:
It's fine, we are in a really boring meeting again
And I love pancakes, Winter does too

Yes I do
They are so good
I like my pancakes and plums
But i hear not many people like that

That is a but strange Winter
I think pancakes are pretty good
But they have to be made how I like them
Otherwise I wont like them

You are such a fussy eater, I too like pancakes

Cool, cool
My friend has left so I cant tell him your responses
He got called by his boss I guess
but i need to ask more than just four people
If I want to confirm not everyone likes pancakes

Mr Frosty:
Our meeting is over
I'll as our other friends if they want to join?

Great idea

When we leave the meeting room after telling Fury we have it covered I decide now is the time to ask. I wait until everyone is in the main room and announce "Hey guys do you want to join a group chat with me, Nat, Bucky, and Yelena. Don't use real names out usernames will show up when you join" I offer.

"Sure but since when did you know how to make a group chat?" Tony teases, I just roll my eyes.

"Riley taught me" I respond, when everyone looks at me confused I add "Riley got her friends number wrong and texted me, we are friends. She's 16 and did mention she got kicked out of her parents house for being gay and a month after er parents died from drink driving so don't ask her about that. Oh and I assume you would support her cause you support em and buck?" I say

"Well no shit Sherlock" Tony respond, I roll my eyes again before Clint speaks up.

"Wait how come Nat and Yelena got on the chat before us, i understand Bucky but why them. And Nat why didn't you add me" Clint whines.

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