39|The Amusement Park

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General POV
The Avenger finally arrive at the intended destination. On the way they had to stop of and go to the toilet along with getting some food. The groups were told by Steve to meet up at the entrance after getting into the park. They arrived at just gone 2 in the afternoon.

Riley and Wanda were holding hands, their fingers clasped together and bright smiles on their faces. Steve and Bucky were doing the same except Steve was looking a bit more stressed but lots less than earlier, along with Tony and Pepper. Yelena is giving Kate a piggy back after Kate said Yelena wouldn't be able to carry her. Loki and Thor are squabbling and Peter and Pietro are doing thumb wars. Clint, along with Vision are just stood there unsure of what to do. Sam is also irritating Bucky.

"To Kate things a little easier, Nat your group is group 1, my group is group 2 and the other group is group 3 got it?" Steve says, Everyone nods. "Don't do anything stupid please and stay around your groups" Steve tells everyone, they all nod and go their separate ways.

The second group went off to the rides, Tony insisted that it would be fun. But when everyone got on the rollercoaster they realised how wrong he was, Bucky, Steve and Bruce did not find it fun at all. Pepper thought it as alright but Bruce though he was going to turn into the hulk or Puke.

Clint, Vision, Yelena, Kate, Thor and Loki had gone to get some food. Yelena's idea. She wanted to try the candy floss and Kate wanted to eat some. "I wish to try this mortal creation too, Brother what do you think?" Thor says

"I think it is for mortals not Gods" Loki responds dully, he does not want to be here but everyone had to come.

"Mr Loki, I think you would love it, it is really nice!" Kate exclaims happily as her an Yelena begin to eat theirs while Clint buys Thor his.

"This is really good" Yelena mumbles, Clint is regretting buying them sugar.

"It's okay Loki you can share mine" Thor says cheerfully, before taking a large bite out of his food.

"Barton, lets get some more food like burgers and hot dogs" Yelena says cheerfully, while Loki has been given a small bite of the cotton candy, he really enjoyed it but didn't want anyone to see that, he made a mental note to get some another time.

"I came here for a break from my children not to be given more" Clint mumbles while getting the food. Everyone smiles gratefully and begins to eat.

meanwhile Group 1 is just wondering around, it is the least chaotic group even though it has the most teenagers.

"Where do we want to go first? I have a feeling the other groups are not doing much. Steve organised some chaos with the groups her picked" Natasha says, everyone nod.

"I think we should go the the Ferris wheel, or go to one of those games where you win prizes" Pietro suggests, Peter nods quickly.

"That is surprisingly a good suggestion" Wanda states, casing Riley to chuckle lightly.

"Okay we can do the Ferris wheel then the games?" Natasha asks, everyone agrees and they all head to the Ferris wheel.

"We should get some food later too" Peter suggest, his fast metabolism is making him very hungry, Riley nods she has a fast metabolism too and they haven't eaten in a while.

"We can get food too" Natasha says, the teens smile happily and continue walking to the first destination.

Eventually they arrive at the Ferris wheel and Meet up with Steve's group. "You all look like you want to throw up" Riley says with a chuckle, they had just been on a roller coaster that had many loop the loops, twists and turns they all felt sick. So had decided to do something more relaxing.

"So we can have a maximum of four People per little Ferris wheel thing so split up" Tony says, he wanted to go in one with just him and pepper to make it romantic.

Peter, Pietro Wanda and Riley decided to gone in one compartment. Bucky, Steve, went in one and Nat, Bruce and Sam went in another, and Tony and Pepper successfully got their own. Nat would have gone with Steve and Bucky but didn't want to become the third wheel.

While high up in the Ferris wheel Riley saw Yelena and Kate waving. She smiles and waved back "Look there's Lena and Kate" Riley said with a smile.

"where" Peter says while looking In Rileys direction, "oh there they are. HI!" He shouted completely oblivious to the fact that there was no way they would ever be able to hear him.

"peter, I hate to break it to you but they are not going to hear you" Wanda says, Peter laughs realising how stupid he was being.

"Wow, Look at the view. We can see the whole park form here" Pietro says amazed, he and Wanda never really got to experience anything like this, he zooms around the compartment looking at all the different direction

"Yeah it's amazing, you should get Wanda to use her powers and make you float super high above New York so she can drop you" Riley says slightly irritated. Wanda laughs at her statement.

"That is a great idea" Wanda compliments her girlfriend's idea, Pietro stops Running around and sits next to Peter calmly. The Ferris wheel eventually stops and they all get off.

"Lets just stay as one group, we are heading to the games if you want to come" peter offers, Tony nods along with a few others and they decide to go to the food area first and get some burgers and hot dogs, after eating they all head to the game areas.

"I am going to play a round of the shooting game, the prizes look good" Riley says, Nat is watching, she is considering having a go to 'a trained assassins should be able to shoot the plastic pieces at the targets with a fake gun' she thinks. Riley manages to hit all of the targets in the centre. So she wins the best prize of a pretty big squish mallow cow (A/N they are called that right?) Riley thank the person and puts it in her bag after hitting Peter with it who said she couldn't win. She also flipped him off.

"You shouldn't doubt me Parker, or it will be the last thing you do" she threatens "I bet you couldn't do it" Riley says, In Peters desperation or prove her wrong her decides to have a go, and misses all of the targets, guns are not his speciality as Riley was being trained by Nat in guns and already had good aim from her web shooting.

"I am better at aiming webs" Peter mumbles while walking away from the game without any prize. Riley is laughing at him along with Pietro and Wanda. Tony just pats him on the back sadly.

"Peter, I bet you and Riley would be good at the games where you have to hang from the metal pole, I know they are a scam but you have your sticky spider hands" Sam suggest, The pair nod and run over to the game sam suggested, eventually they come back with many prizes after playing it multiple times. Riley gives the heart bear she got to Bucky to give to Steve and gives Wanda the red elephant she won.

"Well angel, It matches you powers with the red" Riley says, Wanda is laughing as she found it a very amusing gift but accepted it anyway.

After a few more hours at the park Steve calls everyone and tells them to head back to the entrance area where they met at earlier as it is nearly midnight and they needed to head home. Safe to say the Avengers had a very fun and care free day. Eventually even Steve managed to relax and have fun with his boyfriend especially on the Ferris wheel where they enjoyed looking out to the city and making out.

It was a good day.

A day you wouldn't expect the earths mightiest hero's to have enjoyed or even done. There were a few fans of Tony who wanted to take pictures, his response always went something along the lines of 'of course they want a picture it's me, I'm Tony Stark' which earned him a few slaps on the head from Pepper.

Everyone met up smiling in widely, prizes and food in their hands. They were ready to go back to the compound but wanted to do this again on another day.

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