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General POV
The avengers had decided they needed to formulate a plan to find the new vigilante that has been helping New York, they needed to recruit her. Tony had set up drones so that they could try and locate her. Peter was told just to go about his patrolling as usual and if she was there let Tony know and carry on.

Some avengers had seen Steve and Bucky smiling at their phones, some just ignored it, some didn't see it and some decided to investigate. The ones investigating where Nat and Yelena, the spy sisters who no-one can hide anything from.

Nat got ahold of Steve phones claiming she needed to update it and managed to get Riley number, she figured thats who Steve and Bucky had been texting. Most of the others just figured they were texting each other's but Nat knew they wouldn't do that in a meeting while sat right net to one another. Nat handed the number to Yelena they both decided to either text the person or put themselves on the chat they saw. They decided on putting themselves on the chat so that they could confront Bucky and Steve and the new person at the same time. The pair had decided to wait for a little but to trick Steve and Bucky into thinking they were in the clear, Yelena's idea.

Steve and Bucky were in the training room talking about Riley. "She seems nice. For a 16 year old she is very mature. How did you even get her number babe?" Bucky asks his boyfriend.

"She though I was her friend, she must have put in the wrong number" Steve responds. The pair of them are on treadmills, after finally working out how to use them, doing a 50 mile run. They are just chatting about anything they can talk about really.

"We should probably text her again, you know my nightmares haven't been as bad since being with you and texting her, I don't really know why but I am glad it's happening" Bucky tells his partner.

"After this run we can text her" Steve agrees "I am glad your nightmares are getting better, I love you" Steve says.

Bucky smiles, never getting enough of hearing Steve say that, "love you too Stevie" Bucky responds happily, the smile never leaving his face.

"Buck, have you every thought about a kid? I mean having a kid? Erm, us having a kid?" Steve suggests.

"That's funny Steve, the winter soldier HYDRA's most deadly assassin with a kid" Bucky says before turning to look at Steve and realising he is actually serious, "I mean yeah, I like children and I would like to have a kid but I don't know if i trust myself with one. If the right kid comes, I would consider it and be more open to the idea" Bucky responds, Steve face lights up at the idea and he nods happily.

"Thank you" Steve responds nervously, he has been wanting to ask that question for a long time but never really got the opportunity or when an opportunity presented itself he backed out too nervous to actually ask.

Natasha's and Yelena are in Natasha's room discussing the ideas of what to do with Riley's number. Wanda and Pietro are in Wanda's room where Pietro is humiliating Wanda about how she is still single, even though she is Pansexual and has so much choice - even though he is single too. Thor and Loki are in the library, Thor is talking about his battles and Loki is ignoring him, its a one way conversation.

"Yelena, we cant just text them, we need to find out exactly who they are and how they got Steve and Bucky's number. I don not trust them at all. From what I read in the text all we know is her name, age and gender but all of that could be some bullshit story she made up" Natasha tells her sister.

"Anyone ever tell you your a bit- actually no really paranoid" Yelena mutters under her breath.

"A few have actually. Piss off" Nat states, the first part sarcastically.

"No, if she is really 16 then that would be a bit weird, Steve and Bucky are like a hundred or something" Yelena states, Nat just looks at her with a look that says 'seriously' 

"There is nothing that suggests we can't trust this kid Nat, come on. They seem like a good person and funny! Come one Steve is called Mr Frosty, please" Yelena whines.

"Fine, i will try and look into it more but maybe tomorrow we can try and text them. Deal?" Nat questions, Yelena nods enthusiastically and Nat sighs at the immaturity of her sister.

Riley's POV
I kinda miss my parents, its not like I can go back to them though. They died through drink driving and the police just assumed that I was with them and closed the case. School probably assumed I was just a different Riley Walker or something

I remember finding out After hacking in and searching up their names something pops up with an image of my mum and dad it reads 'fatal wounds from car crash, presumably drink driving. We believe that their daughter Riley Walker was involved in the crash also and was crushed, her body was not found but the car crushed badly at the back seats. Riley Walker has not been seen at home so social services were not needed to be informed' It was some bullshit, I cried then but now I don't really care. They kicked me out, even though they raised me, cared for me. But still after all that they kicked me out just because of who I was at attracted too, I realise now I don't want to waste my time grieving over their deaths when they just simply kicked me out without sparing a thought. They didn't truly care and love me in the same way I loved them. I miss the parents I thought loved me, but I am not mourning them anymore, the parents that I thought loved me, never truly did.

I decide to go to the gym to work my frustration out. I do some weight lifting, running and bicep curls. By the time I am finished its 12:30am, i decide to try and find somewhere to sleep because that can sometimes take hours.

While walking I get a text.

Hey Riley,
How are you
Me and Mr frosty were having a debate
We wonder if you a re a good student to not?

You were basically wondering if I'm smart or dumb
I don't even want to know who was saying I was dumb
I have A* in all my subjects and go to a smart kid school

Mr Frosty:
That's cool
Wait why are you still up?
Do your parents not care

Now technically I am an orphan
My parents died about 5 months ago
But they kicked me out for being gay about 6 months ago
I have been sleeping on the streets for a while
But its chill
School is a good escape

I respond wishing I hadn't said what I had, Uhhh. i always say too much. Shit.

Sorry Riley
We support you

Thank you
I have to go sorry,
I support you and Mr frosty too

Mr frosty:
Bye Riley

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