35|Cute Couple

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General POV
Riley had just left the room and The Avengers were chuckling at her, even though they would still have had murder lists in their heads. Eyes turn towards Wanda as the laugher dies down, they didn't exactly expect these two to get together, it seems the only person who did was Natasha, but she is a highly trained spy, no one can keep secrets from her for long.

"So, you and Riley" Sam eventually says, Wanda glares at him.

"I think its cute, you guys are a good couple. That little moment you had with each other, you look happy with each other" Kate says smiling.

"Well, we are" Wanda states not really sure of what else to say. It was true, the couple were at one of the happiest points in their life together, they had the safety of the compound, an Avengers family and many friends.

"Awwwwwwww, well lets watch Hamilton. Rileys going to miss it" Peter says.

"Isn't it a long movie or play? you have school tomorrow Peter" Tony says responsibly.

"Please Mr Stark we have to" Peter begs "you said we would" he adds sadly

"Fine but as soon as it ends you are going to bed" Tony says sounding very much like he was Peter's father, this makes Pepper chuckle lightly at her boyfriend.

The earths mightiest hero's sit down to watch Hamilton like an large expanded family, a happy family.

Eventually morning rolls around and Riley and Peter get up for school, Riley was up early at around 2am so decided to do an early patrol in the morning, she plays her music and dances around on a building waiting for anything to happen, she swings around to make sure that she can catch anything going down.

After a while Riley has to go back to the compound to change and get ready for school, she managed to stop someone from stealing some food but decided to pay for the person as they needed the food more than she decided that she needed the money but not much was happening around New York that morning.

Riley arrived in her room and quickly changed out of her suit, showered and put on some clothes for school, she wore some adidas leggings, a sports bra and an oversized hoodie over the top, it was pretty cold.

She walked downstairs and made herself some toast and quickly ate it before leaving the compound, she was not really in a good mood after her nightmares from the other day about a time she didn't want to remember and she wanted to see Wanda but didn't want to wake her o r be a burden to anyone, she also felt like she was treading on eggshells, she just didn't know why. Her anxiety was telling her that the Avengers were pissed at her for dating on of their own people but Riley was trying to push that though away, she knew or hoped that The Avengers didn't feel like that. Riley saw their reactions and didn't think they did.

She pushed the bubbling anxiety down and carried on walking deciding to focus on her music instead of her thoughts. Eventually she arrived at school and caught up with Ned, MJ and Peter after spotting them in the corridor, she did run a little bit to catch up as they were walking down the corridor just a little further on from her. She tapped Ned on the shoulder and he jumped around, Riley chuckled at his response. "If only there was a Ned Tingle or something, Peter has his Peter tingle" She says with a chuckle

Ned says "I'm the guy in the chair that role suits me best" she nods

"It is not the Peter tingle" Peter informs her, as they all walk to class together. "It's the spidey senses and you have it too"

"No, I have the spidey senses and you have the Peter tingle" Riley tells him Peter sighs and drops the topic knowing he isn't winning this one.

"You know we have a test today, in maths. Did you revise?" Mj asks the girl.

"We have a test! Since when" Riley exclaims panicked.

"You were probably daydreaming about your lover and wasn't paying attention, we were told yesterday, you'll be fine. You literally have nothing to worry about, you Ace every test" Peter teases and reassures her, she nods and they all head to maths.

Riley sits down on her desk and the teacher hands out the papers "you may begin" the teacher announces, Riley opens her paper and smiles, she might actually Ace this test.

Peter is tapping the pen against his head and writing something down averted few seconds. Ned is staring in front of him and every so often writing notes down and MJ is doing something similar to Peter, while Riley is writing consistently as she knows all the answers and methods.

After around 15 minutes Riley has finished so she just sits at her desk, she doesn't want to disturb anyone and speak to anyone either. Riley cant wait to go back to the compound, she didn't get to see Wanda this morning and is missing her. She is also tired and wants to sleep. Having been with Wanda her nightmares have been getting lots better and are now a pretty rare occurrence along with her panic attacks. The Avengers have provided Riley with the safety and comfort she needed.

Eventually the lesson ends and everyone hands in their papers, Riley sees Mj, Ned and Peter walking up to her.

"How was it?" MJ questions "you aced it didn't you, i could tell you were done after 15 minutes" Riley smiles and nods. Ned sighs.

"How are you so naturally smart, give me some of your intelligence" he tells her, Riley chuckles and  pretends to give ned some of her brain which he plays along and is grateful for. They group chuckle before going in their separate ways for the different classes they have.

Eventually the end of the day finally arrives. Riley puts her headphones in and walks back to the compound not before getting her and Wanda some sandwiches from a place she passed, she would have gone to Delmar's but it was further away. Riley begins to eat her sandwich she takes a few bites before grimacing and chucking it away, she also chucked Wanda's away too, it wasn't a very nice sandwich. Riley gets back to the compound at just gone 4.

She walks up to Wanda's room and knocks on the door, Wanda uses her magic to open it and smiles when she sees Riley, her smile turns into a frown though. "Why didn't I get to see you this morning?" She questions

"Sorry, I erm. I thought you would be mad at me because I kinda accidentally ended up making the rest of the people in the compound realise we are dating" Riley stumbles on her sentences. "And I also thought you were asleep and didn't want to disturb you" she adds shyly.

"Riley, I don't mind that the Avengers know about us. They were going to find out at some point and I think it was me who kissed you anyway. It doesn't really matter, come here" Wanda tells the girl who is shyly standing in the corner. Riley walks over and Wanda pats the part of bed next to her, signally for Riley to sit which she does.

Wanda kissed her temple and hold her hand, "do you want to watch some sitcoms?" She requests, Riley nods and Wanda starts the show.

"I did get us some sandwiches on the way back from school but they weren't very nice, so put them in the trash" Riley tells her girlfriend, Wanda chuckles.

"Well I am glad you didn't let me eat any bad food" she say, Riley laughs and the girls cuddle while watching sitcoms.

They eventually fall asleep like that, they were both extremely tired after each having long days, Wanda had been slightly stressed out as she hadn't seen Riley this morning and Riley had been feeling guilty and missing Wanda.

The girls each have light smiles on their faces and the sitcom is playing quietly in the background, the pair are comfortably cuddled up in the bed and that is how Nat sees them when she arrives to tell them that dinner was ready.

Natasha smiles and turns of the sitcom and closes the door, she is pleased for the girls and cursed herself for not getting a photo.

"Wanda and Riley wont be coming down for dinner-" she tells the avengers who are eating, but before she can finish she gets cut off by sam.

"Oh My God they're Fucking?!" He exclaims. Nat slaps him hard on the head.

"No they are asleep dipshit!" Nat says

"SAM!" Pietro exclaims "why would you suggest that? I didn't want to think about that Uhhhhhhh" he adds.

The avengers chuckle and begin to eat Natasha rolls her eyes at the childishness of these people but laughs along.

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