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General POV
A couple of weeks on from the day MJ confronted Riley about Flash and Riley's forehead has healed. Her feelings for Wanda have also grown, every time they make eye contact Riley feels like a zoo wall has just crumbled and all of the animals have escaped and they are all running around, wrenching havoc in her stomach.

Wanda's feeling for Riley have also grown, Wanda finds herself getting up earlier so she can 'train' with Riley, she finds herself constantly staring at the girl just admiring her. Wanda will zone out thinking about Riley frequently and Riley will do the same.

Peter and Pietro have noticed how they will just stare at each other and quickly look away when the other looks in their direction or how they might get lost in the other persons eyes whenever making eye contact, and how the pair are both so oblivious to the other persons feelings.

Peter and Pietro decided to do something so they organised to meet each other in Peter's room to form a plan.

"Okay, what shall we do, they both need help because they are so oblivious" Pietro says.

"Well Riley will deny it if she ever thinks, even for a second, that Wanda may like her back. She has been told by her parents and others that she isn't deserving of love and she wont find it. She thinks she isn't good enough for anyone and that they deserve better, she will deny that Wanda has any feelings if we tell her, even though that is false. we need to get her to confess even if she doesn't believe Wanda will like her back or we need to get Wanda to confess" Peter tells Pietro who nods

"Wanda will back out of admitting her feeling and say some other bullshit instead. We need to speak to them both, I'll speak to Wanda you speak to Riley. Operation 'get our siblings to confess their love' is in action" Pietro finishes, Peter nods and they both run out to speak to their allocated person.

Peter knocks on Riley door and when he hears her mutter 'you may enter' he walks into the room and sits on her bed. Riley is reading a book on the other side of the bed and peter takes in a deep breathe before speaking.

"Is there anything you would like to tell me about?" He asks, Riley shakes her head "maybe something to do with a certain Sokovian who has the initials W.M" When Riley shakes her head again Peter adds "Who's name is Wanda, you cant deny it"

Riley sighs before speaking "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have a crush on someone like Wanda, I know I don't stand a chance so I'm hoping the feelings go away soon but she is just so perfect and beautiful and out of my league" Riley says.

"Riley, you need to confess your feelings to Wanda, I know she feels the same. You can do it okay. I see the stares she gives you, I see how she looks at you. She likes you back I know it" Peter tells Riley.

"Wait, why are you doing this?" Riley asks.

"Well me and Pietro know you like each other okay, so we make a plan. You cant stop us as the plan is already in motion. Bye. Think about what I said" Peter says before running out of the room as fast as he can trying to escape Riley's wrath.

"Peter you son of a bitch! When I catch you, or if you step foot near me again I will squash you like the bug you are!" Riley shouts after him.

Nat who is walking by hears the threat and laughs, "children" she mutters to herself before walking into Yelena's room. "We are training" Nat tells her sister before grabbing her by the ear and dragged her to the training room.

"No fair, I didn't get a warning" Yelena mumbles, she huffs and cross her arms, Nat only stops when they arrive in the training room and forces Yelena to spar with her.

Meanwhile in Wanda room Pietro has sped inside and is about to lecture his twin. "Wanda, Wanda, Wanda" Pietro says, trying to get his sister attention.

"What do you want Pietro?" Wanda asks.

"I know you like Riley, you cant deny it because I know you do. You need to ask her out because Riley likes you back" Pietro says.

"It's not that simple brother, for one I don't like her and two she doesn't like me back Piet and three I cant just ask her out, I would get too nervous and end up saying something else" Wanda tells her brother.

"I see the subtle glances and how you just stare into each other's eyes, and why would you be intertwined in her asking you out if you don't like her. You contradicted yourself" Pietro teases, Wanda sighs.

"Feelings are so hard Pietro, you would flirt with any girl you saw in Sokovia even if you didn't like them, you don't understand" Wanda says.

"I do understand, while in Sokovia I did have a crush on someone, for two years, he didn't like me back. I would flirt with others to try and get over him, I know now looking back I shouldn't have done that but I did. So don't tell me I don't understand Wanda" Pietro tells his sister.

"Him?" Wanda questions

"Shit, well I am Pansexual too, surprise" Pietro says while doing jazz hands.

"I came out to you years ago, why now?" Wanda asks her brother.

"I got too nervous , anyway we are getting of topic" Pietro says.

"Awwww, tough Pietro got nervous even though his sister already came out and would have supported him whenever he decide to come out" Wanda teases, Piotr goes red and speeds off.

"Think about it Wanda, you need to commit and admit it" He says running swiftly away before hearing any repose, similar to how Peter left Riley's room.

Wanda paces around her room nervously, if Pietro thinks Riley likes her maybe she stands a chance. Wanda knows that if she reads Riley's mind she stands no chance at a relationship with the girl.

Meanwhile Riley is in the shower singing a song she seems to be relating to, she just wants to be noticed by the one person, the girl she has a crush on, Wanda Maximoff. She knows some others wont get how she can fall for a girl when she is one herself, so Riley sings her feelings while showering, not knowing Wanda can hear her loud voice through the thin walls.

And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't wanna go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
When sooner or later it's over
I just don't wanna miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

Wanda is curious on whether this song is about her, she hopes it is. She wants to be with Riley and desperately hopes that Riley likes her back.

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am

When Riley is finished she decides that she needs to ask Wanda, she knows no one will do it for her and knows that there isn't much she can lose. If Peter thinks so then maybe there is a chance.

Hello readers
I would love any feedback you wish to give on the story, good or bad. I am not sure whether it's good and I should take a different approach to any newer chapters or just write what I think of. What do you think? And please be honest it's what will help me improve this story and help me understand what you guys would want :)

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