23|It's Not Fine

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Riley's POV
After leaving the kitchen I shower, making sure to clean my wounds and check my body for any unknown injuries that could be dangerous. After getting change I put on a sports bra and a tank top with some shorts and bandage the wound on my arm. I sigh knowing I need to do the mission report. I open the computer that Tony gave me and start working. Steve texted me saying that I need to email it to Fury on his private, protected email address that was on the message.

After a few hours I am finished and email it. I head downstairs for some food and find Wanda sitting at the table alone lost in thought. "Hello Wanda" I say, this breaks Wanda out of her thoughts and she turns to me, smiling nervously.

"Hi" she responds I get a glass of water and sit next to her.

"What are you doing up?" I ask, she smiles and sighs.

"I could ask you the same question" she says.

"Well I was ding the mission report" I say simply, Wanda sighs again knowing she is going to have to tell me.

"Thinking" Wanda replies, she look up and looks me in the eyes. I take in her olive green eyes and seem to get lost in them. They are like a deep ocean that has high stormy waves that keep pushing you under the water whenever you try to escape or a luscious forest that is surrounded by tall trees and branches that trap you where ever you go. Wanda looks away snapping me out of my daze.

"I should probably go to sleep, bye Riley. I am glad you are alright after the mission" she tells me before walking out of the room. Even though she has left the room she is still in my mind and I don't think she is leaving soon. If I wasn't sure about my crush on Wanda I am sure now. I, Riley Walker, have a crush on Wanda Maximoff.

I decide that I should go to sleep as well and head upstairs. I lay in bed with thoughts of Wanda swirling around my head. she is so elegant and beautiful, she is like an angel, a heavenly being that is not worthy of someone like myself. She is way out of my league and I know it will never happen. I need to get over this crush, I am definitely not deserving of anyone, let alone Wanda.

I fall asleep quickly feeling exhausted from the mission and all of the flying.

Unfortunately I have school as we left for the mission on Saturday and fought Saturday night to early Sunday morning then flew back on Sunday and today is Monday. I get up and shower before putting on a sporty top over my sports bar and because its a little colder I put on an oversized hoodie too. I also put on some loose fitting leggings and some socks and running shoes. I grab my bag and make sure I have all of the stuff I need for school before walking into the kitchen to have something to eat. I would have gone for a run or trained but I didn't want to wear myself out after the mission the other day.

I decide to walk to school so I quickly grab a cereal bar and leave the compound. I put my earphones in and play my music loud enough to block out the city noise and overwhelming sound of everyone in the mornings. I still have my bandage on my arm but the wound has considerably healed since last night so it should be just another scar in a few days.

While entering the school gates i hear the unmistakeable voice of Flash "hello Worthless Walker, haven't seen you in a few days, must have been in the wrong place at the wrong time or you have bee avoiding me either way we have to make up for lost time. You are just so worthless, and stupid. I bet your parents despise you" Flash says before swinging at my face his knuckle makes contact with my forehead and of course he had rings on. I can feel the blood trickling down my face, luckily MJ grabs my arm and drags me away. No, actually that wasn't something to be glad about, she doesn't know that Flash has been fighting me, its more like beating me up over fighting.

"You should have told me about this" MJ hisses pointing to my head, I trace over the spot with my fingers, its not that big of a cut, its around the top of my forehead on the left side about two centimetres long. When I take my fingers away blood coats them. I can feel a headache coming on and wince.

"Sorry, I just didn't know what to say or do. It's not like anything is going to make him stop" I respond quietly.

"Lets get some ice for your head, its swelling slightly" MJ tells me, I just follow her knowing that arguing will just result in me losing and will do nothing other than make my headache worse. MJ takes me to the medical room and gets me an ice pack to put on my head. She pouts it in my hand and puts my hand to my head. "Leave it there" MJ orders, I nod.

"You should have told us Riley" MJ says gently, I just look at the floor.

"I didn't see a reason, there is nothing I could do. If I fought back he would know somethings up. Just drop it Mj, its fine" I tell her.

"IT'S NOT FINE RILEY" she shouts, I flinch. "I'm sorry for shouting but you know its true, Flash shouldn't be doing this to you. You didn't even do anything to him, you didn't do anything to anyone" she adds.

"I have to get to class" I mumble not wanting to deal with this now. I walk away to class and sit down in a seat that has no one next to it in the corner of the room. I listen to the teacher drone on about something I already know, meanwhile in my mind I am counting down the minutes until I can leave.

Finally the bell rings and I grab my nags and leave the room, I have a free period so I head to the library, when I arrive I sit down, put my headphones in and open the book that I have been reading. When I look up I see MJ with Peter and Ned all waking in my direction. I try and hide but they keep walking. Somehow in my nervousness I forget that my legs would allow me to walk out of the room so stay seated.

"It's not fine Riley" Peter says to me "but I do understand where you are coming from" he adds, obviously MJ told them.

"I'm sorry Riley but its not fine, you need to stop acting like its nothing. Report Flash please" MJ tries. I shake my head.

"I cant give him the satisfaction of knowing he is bothering me, besides he bullies Peter too so why are you only lecturing me?" I ask

"He doesn't beat Peter up though. What he says is bullshit that you can brush off most of the time but you can just wipe away scars can you?" MJ asks, Ned and Peter nod along.

"He might beat me up sometimes" Peter announces shyly. MJ said sighs and shakes her head

"I'm sorry but I'm not reporting it, I understand your concern but there is nothing I can do, Flash's dad is rich and can weave Flash out of any punishment okay. Just leave it please, I'll avoid him and stick with you guys, besides I have
Advanced healing, the cut on my head will be gone in a little bit" I state, lying about how fast the cut will be gone. It might be gone in the morning so it's fine. They contemplate it before nodding sceptically

"If it happens again you will tell someone, i would be a bad friend if i just let this happen. And you cant exactly say anything about Flash's dad when Tony stark is like Peter's dad and is much richer" MJ says

"I love you Riley and I don't want you to get hurt" Peter tells me, I hug him tightly as he does the same to me.

"I love you too Pete, I'm sorry MJ. I just didn't want to bother you all" I tell them, MJ smiles sadly and hugs me as soon as Peter stops.

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