30|You're not alone

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Wanda waits until Riley falls asleep before leaving the room quietly, she needs to speak to Peter. She finds him in the kitchen and drags him into another room where there are less people. She waits and tries to think about what she wants to say, she didn't really get that far in her thoughts.

"Peter, Is Riley okay? Is she suicidal? she woke up after a nightmare and her thoughts were so loud" she mutters quite bluntly to peter, who nods gently.

"She was suicidal, she is not now. do you know what happened? Or just what she deeply considered doing" he asks, he knows he needs to explain the situation better to Wanda.

"She had been beaten up and almost stabbed, a knife had been sliced across her abdomen, she was in so much pain mentally and physically. It was two weeks after she had been kicked out and she was low. She climbed up the building and stood on the edge, I think she stood there debating it for half an hour or more. I was ready to swing and catch her in an instant but didn't want to intrude and scare her, I was also in a little of denial. I think I knew what was really happened so was ready to catch her but also didn't want to assume that so, yeah anyways. We only knew each other and The Spider and Spider-Man, our identities weren't revealed yet, I didn't know she had the spidey senses or was my friend. She stepped off the ledge and back onto the roof on her own, without my interference, that is when I landed on the room and saw the Suit in the bag. I ended up ripping my mask off in surprise and we talked, looked up at the stars until morning. May almost murdered me when she realised I wasn't home all night, I told her I was comforting a friend. They are the exact words I said and she nodded letting it go, I think she understood" Peter explains, tears gloss over his eyes at the memory, he hates the idea of Riley not being around.  "She was suicidal and was struggling to find anyone to live for but I think, her parents are partially responsible for that, she didn't have many friends and her parents really helped her so when they chucked her out just like that she felt very lost. She just needed to be found and I think she was, she was also in a lot of physical pain all the time from being a girl living on the streets. I don't think she would ever do something like that again though, she has found a new family and people who care about her, she was found"

"I am glad she is here and I am glad you are there for her Peter, You are like her brother" Wanda tells the boy.

"She is like mine too, wait I got confused, she is like my sister" Peter says, Wanda laughs and eventually Peter laughs along with her.

"Riley has had a really tough time, she fell back to sleep, I am going to go back to here in a minute" Wanda tells him, Peter nods agreeing to all of the statements.

Wanda smiles at him and leaves the room, she walks back up to Rileys room and watches as she sleep peacefully. She leaves a gently kiss on Rileys forehead and mutters "you're not alone Riley, me, Peter and many others are here for you" she says and lays on the bed, next to her and gets out a book and begins to read.

Riley eyes open and they wonder around the room until they eventually land on Wanda. Riley smiles at the girl who is so engrossed in her book and hasn't noticed she is awake. Riley admires Wanda for a little while before deciding to get up wanting a shower.

"Hello, I am going to shower" Riley says, Wanda screams and jumps slightly, Riley laughs at the girl.

"You scared the shit outta me Riley, god. enjoy your shower" Wanda mumbles.

While in the shower all Riley can think about is the girl currently sitting on her bed, Wanda Maximoff and at the same time all Wanda can think about is the girl in the shower, Riley Walker. While in the shower Riley decides to ask Wanda on another date later today. Riley exits the shower and dries herself off, she puts on a sports bra, underwear and tank top along with some joggers. Riley leaves the room and her smile widens when she sees Wanda.

"I need some more food" Riley says happily, Wanda nods and the pair head to the kitchen. While they walk their hands brush against each other giving the pair of them butterflies. Riley interlocks their pinky fingers after a little while. The pairs smiles are wide when they arrive in the kitchen. Many Avengers sigh in relief at Riley, she looks happy, content, and relaxed. Peter smiles at his best friend, Wanda is good for her, he thinks, he knows Wanda is a good person and cares for Riley.

When Pietro catches sights of their interlocked fingers he runs over to Peter and puts his hand up, Peter gives him the high five "mission success" they both say simultaneously while smiling cheekily at one another.

"Who is cooking tonight because Steve you are not making dinner, you burnt all of lunch, it was dreadful and I will be surprised if none of us have food poisoning" Tony announces.

"It wasn't that bad" Steve states.

"Babe, i hate to break it to you but it was awful" Bucky responds, breaking the news to his boyfriend.

"Steve, my friend, it was so bad. I'm sorry but you need some cooking lessons" Sam announces. "Oh and when does Thor get back, I have been eating more proteins and think I stand a higher chance at lifting the hammer"

"Not for a week" Loki announces from the corner of the room lifting his head from his book.

"I have a proposition, I can help cook and Steve can watch, I can teach him, what do you want to eat?" Riley suggest "if anyone wants to help I am open to that too"

"Make roast dinner, please we haven't had a good one in ages" Pietro groans, everyone nods in agreement.

"I'll help cook" Wanda states, Riley smiles happily

"Natasha made the last one and it wasn't the best, but she can make a mean peanut butter sandwich" Yelena States, many chuckle.

"I'm sorry but they didn't teach cooking in the red room, you cant cook any better than me Yelena" Nat states bluntly, many more laugh at the bluntness of her statement.

"Okay, I am ready to start cooking, I am hungry and roast takes a while, fuck it I'm having some chocolate before we start" Riley announces before walking over to the kitchen cupboards and getting some chocolate and smiling before eating some.

You shouldn't eat pudding before dinner Riley" Steve states.

"This isn't pudding, this is my starter, then I'll have dinner then pudding" Riley tells him, she gets all of the things she needs and begins to cook the dinner. Wanda joins her after a while and Steve watches closely wanting to learn, after a while most of the others in the room get bored and leave to do something else *insert introductions on how to make a roast dinner as well as Steve's questions on What Riley and Wanda are doing*

Eventually they finish cooking and place it all on the table before calling the rest of The Avengers down. Riley pulls Wanda aside to speak to her, she leads her to the other room and breathes deeply.

"Wanda, would you like to go on another date with me tomorrow? I know I have school so we could do it later at seven?" Riley asks, Wanda smiles.

"That's a great idea Riley" Wanda replies happily, both girls smile and head into the kitchen, they sit down next to each other and begin to eat.

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