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General POV
It had been a week since Hydra's first attack. Riley was always on edge, she would always be double checking and glancing over her shoulder, especially in school. She was fed up, and didn't want to constantly be feeling this. She always found comfort wrapped in Wanda's arms which would happen frequently as Wanda wanted to be with her girlfriend at all times ready to protect her. Riley would struggle to focus in lessons as she was constantly looking around the room assessing any dangers.

Riley could not be left alone when outside the compound, on days where peter would go to his aunts or Happy was unavailable to take her she would have to walk with Ned or MJ who both knew about what was happening. They would both do their best to protect Riley.

"Wanda, I need to get to school. I'lll see you later" Riley says trying to get out of Wanda's hold, Wanda eventually lets go and Riley smiles at her girlfriend as she gabs her school bag. "I erm. Never mind" Riley mutters.

"Be safe" Wanda says nervously, Riley nods and kisses Wanda before walking out of the room.

Peter and Riley get into Happy's car, Riley looks out of the window the whole journey while listening music, her legs bounces up and down anxiously, this is the same for every day at school, Riley's anxiety skyrocketed ever since Hydra had first invaded and she really didn't need it.

Riley and Peter walked into school stood next to each other, the pair wanted to protect each other so tried to stay together as most as they can.

"Hey its Penis Parker and Worthless Walker, god if I ran this school they would never be allows to step foot in here again" Flash says to his friends before walking off losing interest. That could have been influenced by a glare from MJ and Ned, and Happy who was near. Peter and Riley had made him swear never to tell Tony about what was happening and reluctantly he agreed.

"Hi Peter, Riley" MJ greets, Peter blushes as MJ pulls him in for a hug while Riley and Ned snicker at how oblivious the pair are.

They group head to their first lesson, they all have chemistry together. Riley isn't really paying attention as her mind is else where. She is thinking about Wanda and what she desperately wants to tell her.

The first few lesson fly by and before they know it it's lunch, they all sit together but are approached by flash. "Parker, Walker. I want to sit on this table so find another one. Or sit by the bins where you belong" Flash says he turns to his 'friends' who laugh a forced laugh and awkwardly shuffle around, Both Peter and Riley look to the floor, as Peter was the closest, he punched him in the nose hard breaking it. Peter can't fight back otherwise it would show his identity so Riley just goes for it and knees him in the balls as well as swiping his legs from under him so his back forcefully hits the floor. A teacher sees the commotion and takes Riley away and another one takes Flash.

The other teachers decide to phone Peter's number, so he is taken home by May before even managing to say goodbye to Riley.

Riley is given a detention while Flash is allowed to go. Riley is sent back to lesson and told to return at the end of the day. "We can stay with you, so you don't go alone" Ned offers at the end of the day

"It's okay Ned, you guys get home, I'll phone Happy and let him know when my detention will end" Riley replies.

"You sure? It's okay we can stay, I only have homework to do so I don't mind" MJ offers, Riley laughs lightly.

"It's alright MJ, I will be fine. Thank you for the offer though" Riley smiles, Eventually Ned and MJ give in and head home.

"Hey happy, I got detention. I'll explain later but could you pick me up at 4, Peter probably told you he got sent home" Riley tells Happy over the phone

"He told me you have detention I just didn't know what time to pick you up" happy explains over the phone, 'Peter must have known that I would get detention' Riley thinks while walking to the room she was told to go to.

Riley just sits there staring at the wall incredibly bored. Her detention doesn't end for another 45 minutes and she is already extremely bored. Riley was allowed to listen to music, well they hadn't told her off for wearing her earphones, maybe they hadn't seen them.

Riley focused on the lyrics hoping it would diffuse her boredom.

Oh I'm obsessed
With the way your head is laying on my chest
How you love the things I hate about myself that no one knows
But with you I see hope again

Oh I'm a mess
When I overthink the little things in my head
You seem to always help me catch my breath but then I lose it again
When I look at you, that's the end

And why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes?
Butterflies can't stop me falling for you

And darling, this is more than anything I've felt before
You're everything that I want but I didn't think I'd find
Someone who was worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak
But I know now I've found the one I love

And I love the way
You can never find the right things to say
And you can't sit still an hour in a day
I'm so in love, let's run away
Because us is enough

And why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes?
And butterflies can't stop me falling for you

And darling, this is more than anything I've felt before
You're everything that I want but I didn't think I'd find
Someone who was worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak
But I know now I've found the one

Come close
Let me be home for anything
Good or bad, I know it's worth it, whoa

And darling, this is more than anything I've felt before
You're everything that I want but I didn't think I'd find
Someone who was worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak
But I know now I've found the one I love

While the song plays the Bly thing Riley can think of is Wanda 'I love Wanda' Riley thinks, she has been wondering for a while now and considered saying it earlier but got too nervous.

Suddenly, Riley Spidey senses tingle, lots. She knows she needs to get out of there. She grabs her phone and leaves, she puts the rest of her stuff in her locker knowing it will slow her down.

Riley can feel someone is following her, she knows its Hydra so decides to phones Wanda. It goes to voicemail "Hello Darling, so I'm being followed and I think it's Hydra. I am running away but I feel they are going to catch me. I don't think I can outrun them forever but I'll try for as long as I can. I know you are probably Training or something like that but I just wanted you to know that I-I, I love you. I have been wanting to say it for a few days now and always got too nervous. You don't have to love be back I just wanted to tell you, I love you Wanda Maximoff, i know it sounds so cringy and stupid and I hate how stereotypical I am being but it's true, Wanda I-" The line cuts of as Riley is grabbed as her arms are shoved behind her back and her hands cuffed. Her phones falls to the floor as she finds herself dragged away and sedated.

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