5|I'm Sorry

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Riley's POV
I slowly wake up remembering what happened last night. my face is throbbing and I can feel the dried blood. I get out the small cracked mirror from in my bag and observe my face. There is a small cut towards the end on my left eye brow and dried blood down the side of my left cheek. I get some water from my drinks bottle and gently wash my face with it. Once my face is clean i get my phone out and check the time 3:47am, I decide to do some patrolling, I put on my suit and put my bag on my back. I search for a secluded place to hide my bag and web it to the wall.

I play some music and swing around the city looking for anything suspicious. I find someone dressed all in black with a badly made mask over their face, i look closer and notice a lump on their left hip, a gun. They walk into a shop pulling out the gun "The money! Get it!" I hear them scream at the cashier who shakily gets the till open and starts reaching for cash.

I swing in and kick the person right in the face, just after calling the police and mentioning the location and what was happening, I did make sure to change my voice a little. I expose the criminals face and web him to the ground carefully helping the cashier and making sure she was alright before swinging back out not uttering a single word other than asking if the cashier was okay. Speaking to people isn't really my thing, especially ones I do not know. But it's a sort of the job so so times I have to do it.

I check the time quickly, it's only 5. I decide to just chill and swing for a little bit, I turn my head to make sure that the police have arrived, I can see the sirens so I head off. I do some flips and spins, a massive smile on my face the whole time.

While swinging I feel my A.I announce that I have a message so I head back to where I left my bag to get my phone.

Mr Frosty and Winter
Why are you texting a teen?

Unknown 2:
We thought better of you guys

How do we know we can trust them
They could be HYDRA or worse
Think for a second 

I can assure you I am just a teenager
Not complete sure what HYDRA Is
Is it the thing that went down a few years ago
With black widow and captain America
And the flying platforms or whatever you want to call them

Mr Frosty:
You would be correct
You can call unknown 1 red
She has red hair so
Call unknown 2 Russian
Her accent is stronger than her sister's
Red and Russian are sisters

*Riley has changed unknown to Red*
*Riley has changed unknown to to Russian*

Hello Red and Russian
I kinda get the vibe that Red doesn't like me
Am I correct in saying that

It's not that I don't like you
It's that I don't trust you

Well I don't trust you either

Hahaha she got you Red
Your funny Riley
I like you

Why thank you
I like you as well

How did you get Riley's number?

We stole and hacked mr frosty's phone
Took it form there
We had the number for a few days
Deciding what to do with it

Mr Frosty:
You guys are so nosy
I wouldn't do that to you

You guys were acting very suspicious
Especially in the meeting
Although I don't think anyone else noticed
That aren't that smart

As much as this conversation is amusing me
I have to go to school
I think I will get my biology test result back
It only took me 5 minutes to complete the test
I'm pretty confident anyways toodles

I say bye to everyone and the chat and head to a quiet corner to get changed. After getting changed the earphones go in and the hood goes up. For the whole way to school I am just listing to my music calmly. Although I am slightly dreading peters response the cut on my face.

General POV
Nat and Yelena are slightly surprised at the girl, they knew she was intelligent but not so intelligent. Nat is beginning to trust this girl a little more and be.dive what she is saying. Steve and Bucky storm into the kitchen she they know Nat and Yelena are. "Really, you had to do that" Steve announces.

"I'm sorry but do you really think you can trust anyone who just happens to get your number, she could be hydra or someone crazy person trying to kill you. How do you even know she is a girl. You don't" Nat shouts back.

"I trust her, she doesn't seem like hydra. She kept apologising for everything she does, told us how she lives on the streets because her parents kicked her out 6 months ago because she was gay then a month after that her parents died from drink driving. She said she is 16 and even explained to me what pronouns are. That doesn't seem like some bullshit hydra story does it. They wouldn't make something like that up. She seems like an awkward teen okay" Steve says, Nat is speechless at what this girl has been through and knows Steve is right. She mutters an apology while Steve leaves the room.

"Nat you wouldn't understand. Steve wants a kid. And i think him texting this kid allows him to have some of that and the feeling of being a parent that he wants. Don't destroy that for him, for us. Please" Bucky begs, Nat nods.

"I am sorry, you have been raised in a similar way to me Bucky. I was taught to trust no one, to never let people in, never keep relationships. I am working on it, I really am. I have this family who I trust and I know I don't want to lose that. I just wanted to protect you and Steve but now I realise I didn't do it right. I'll try to trust this person, but if they do anything to hurt any one of us, know its not on me" Nat announces, Bucky nods before going after his boyfriend.

Yelena can feel the tension int he room so she decide to cut it "that was deep" she announces, Nat hands her head, trying not to let Yelena see her small smile. All Yelena has to do is speak three words and she can make nat laugh if she tries. Yelena knows she is making Nat laugh even if Natasha never admits it.

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