44|I Miss My Love

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Riley's POV
I slowly flutter my eyes open, my body aches and i feel very drowsy. That drug must still be in my system from being sedated. I look around the room. There is a small bed, or stone slab, it cant really be called a bed. All of the walls are the same somber, bleak, dull grey stone. The door has bars and only allows for a little amount of light to get through as the bars are closely placed together. My head feels heavy and my mind spinning. 'What do they want me for? Why am I here? What are they going to do to me? Will I ever see The Avengers again? Will I ever see Peter, ned or MJ again? Will I ever see Wanda again? Wanda. I wish I was still being safely held in her arms like I was before I was taken, I should have stayed there, I miss my love' thoughts rush through my head and I think about what life was like just days ago.

The door open, it screeches against the floor, it seems heavy and strong. The guards come in and attack a chain to the cuffs on my wrists. They pull me off the floor and drag me along, eventually we enter a room where they undo the cuff and force me onto a metal table, no matter how hard I fight I just cant break free with the drugs making me drowsy. they strap me to a metal table by my wrists, ankles and head, I thrash about trying to free myself by cannot.

"Calm down, the straps were only a precaution. We don't want you getting away now do we?" A voice says. Dad?

"Not when we have gotten so close" another voice adds, Mum?

I try and bring my head up to see them, they died. It cant be them. "Mum? Dad?" I question not being able to deal with the questions.

"Ah Riley, we have some explaining to do, but first we need to collect some DNA. Go ahead Doc" Dad says, a scientist puts a large needle in my arm that slowly begins to take my blood.

"Well, there was a plan, that Hydra members would establish fake identities and family's, and not join S.H.I.E.L.D just incase anything went wrong. Eventually they had children an a new generation of Hydra was born, they were raised with the right beliefs. We were a part of that group. Babies were also taken so they could join and be influenced at a young age ready to help. You were one of the infants selected. We killed your parents, Jessica and Oliver Walker and assumed their identities. We were going to raise you to be a hydra agent. Well that was the original plan, there was a new experimental chemical and process being created. It would allow for a generation of people to work for hydra with special. Abilities. People who could overpower anyone who got in the way" My 'dad' begins.

"You were chosen for that role, we were told by out boss not to give you any information regarding Hydra and just raise you normally. We hated very moment of it. You were such an annoying, vile, selfish child, we despise you. We were supposed to keep you until you became 17 where the experiments would begin, but that night where you 'came out' or whatever you want to call it, we were drunk and frustrated so got rid of you. Hydra kept its tabs on you though and we discovered you had these powers. But the experiment you were supposed to undertake got scrapped, it couldn't be done. Luckily we had you, your genes will allow us a second chance at some sort of enhanced agents. We also have permission to do what we want with you, as long as you are not killed and we get the genetic information we need. We are free to do anything" The woman begins, the woman I though was my mother.

"The experiment was supposed to start when you were 17 but Hydra count wait any longer, we needed to get to you while we still had you. Oh, you may be wondering how we managed to make you think we got killed. What we did was left out old home knowing you still came back every once in a while to watch us. We forged the police records that we knew you would check, when Hydra murdered your parents they erased any evidence of them having a child so you didn't need to be put on any records after the police saw the fake record of the crash. Why do you think the police never really looked for you? All records were altered, Hydra can work quickly and efficiently. It was a great, thought out plan that even tricked you. Now we will be back tomorrow, that is when we start" the man says, My adoptive father, no my kidnapper on multiple occasions, the parent murder. "And if you do anything to annoy us, or even if we just feel like it. We can do anything. We are the leaders of this Hydra facility. In a few months our boss will be coming over to pick up the DNA, he gave us some time, so all we need it the right info. He wants it ready to be used on others before he gets here" he adds

"My grandparents, where they even real?" I ask, this gets me a slap across the face.

"Do not speak unless spoken too. They were not. Hydra paid had put out an offer and paid for them to pretend. But they got to attacked so we killed them, we waited for a while between the two to ensure that it looked real enough for you" He tells me. Nothing in my life was real. My whole childhood was fake. I scream and try to break free only to be electrocuted, so just sit there

I lay on this table for what feels like forever while these people take my blood, I watch them analyse it, put it under microscopes, test it. But if this is the best scientific equipment these people have then they aren't getting far. They will need much more serious equipment if they are going to try and replicate my DNA and take out the element my powers re from along with putting it into someone else, in a way that doesn't kill them along with allowing them my abilities. I don't even know if my powers are in my DNA, I am not sure how they work.

Eventually I am lifted from the table and dragged back to the cell I was in earlier, it seems it is my cell. One of the guards kicks me hard in the ribs before leaving. I lay on the ground, in pain and exhausted, they must have took lots of my blood. Or more than what they should have to leave me like this, it could be the drugs as well.

I know that my time here is not going to be good. Especially its my kidnapper parents here to torture me, thats what they were implying. Will I ever make it back to Wanda, i have to. I need that hope to keep going in this place. I miss my love, I just want to go back to her.

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