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"Why the hell did I do that?"

That was the question that has been rounding Dahyun's mind for the past three days. It was Tuesday, and that question still troubled her. The image of her hugging him sent shivers all over her body.

"Did you have to hug him?
Leave me alone!
You never get tired of embarrassing yourself."

"Kang Dahyun!" The high-pitched voice of her black-haired friend snapped her out of her thoughts. "Are you with us now?" Chenle asked her, now with his normal tone.

"What?" Dahyun asked, totally lost on what her friends were talking about.

"Girl, you sure you're alright? Your mind has been somewhere else since yesterday," Ryung asked, slightly worried.

"Yeah, being lost is my role in this group," Jisung agreed with a fake offended tone while taking a bite of his sandwich.

The group was seated around one of the tables in the cafeteria. Everyone around tried to enjoy their last weeks before the feared midterms season. It seemed like they started classes yesterday, and now exams were just around the corner.

"I'm sorry. It might be the midterms, I don't know," she lied, staring at her food. She wasn't sure if she wanted to share her sudden encounters with Lee Haechan. He wasn't exactly liked by her group of friends. 

"Oh, is that it? Then you don't have to worry at all! You're always studying, anyways. These two don't even know that the midterms start this month," Ryung tried to cheer up her friend.

At her words, the eyes of both guys seated at the same table widened, directing their gaze at her.

"Midterms start this month?!" Both exclaimed at the same time, horrified by the sudden news.

Her friends' reaction made Dahyun chuckle a little, while Ryung just rolled her eyes.

Dahyun decided to start eating and stop thinking about the 'scary' hug. The random topics brought out by Jisung and Chenle made the lunch more bearable. From the NBA to aliens, everything worked to start a conversation.

While giving her sandwich another bite, her eyes traveled around the room until they met with a familiar pair of chocolate brown eyes. At the moment she realized whose eyes were those, her body suddenly started malfunctioning, making her choke.

Ryung quickly reacted, handing her a bottle of water. On the other side, Jisung started beatboxing to the melody of her friend trying not to die, while Chenle accompanied him by drumming his fingers on the table.

Both of them ended up being nagged and smacked on the arm by Ryung.


"Look, look, look! There he goes again," Jaemin whispered at Jeno while shaking his arm. Both glares went directly to Haechan, who was daydreaming in front of them. "Is he okay?"

From time to time, a big smile formed on his face, although unconsciously he tried to suppress it, the memory of the events of a couple of days ago drew that same smile on his face again. 

On the other side, Jeno and Jaemin wore terrified expressions, thinking that finally, their friend had gone crazy for good. It had been pretty strange seeing him smile since they were in middle school. He just smiled mockingly or when he was teasing someone, but not as pure as he was smiling at that moment. 

The three boys were in the school cafeteria, sitting at their usual table. Where they were, was a bit far from everyone else and not everyone could access there. Typical F4 behavior.

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