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That Dahyun felt nervous was a statement. 

After having a really brief conversation with Jeno— and when I say brief, believe me, it was hella short— where the guy tried his best to explain why Dahyun had to go with him to the hospital, not being so explicit with his reasons since, according to him, he was not in a position to clarify everything. "That's your boyfriend's job," he said. Well, after that, somehow, she was standing in the hospital lobby, after Jeno asked her to wait a little bit and left, disappearing while climbing the stairs. 

Stomping her feet on the floor and biting her bottom lip uncontrollably, she couldn't stop doubting whether this had been a good idea or not.

Did she miss Haechan? Of course, that shouldn't be even a question. She wanted to see him so badly. But the thing was if he wanted to see her as well. 

Maybe this was his way to set distance between them because he didn't like her anymore. Maybe she turned out not to be what he expected.

Maybe he didn't want to be with her anymore.


Oh, her head was a mess.

Nevertheless, any trace of these thoughts disappeared at the sight of a pretty familiar figure approaching. 

His expression made clear that he wasn't expecting to see her there. Now, what to do? Dahyun didn't know what to do! 

And, to be honest, Haechan wasn't doing better. 

Dahyun thought it would be good to take a moment to breathe and clear her mind, but when she least expected her legs seemed to take on a life of their own as they began to move in the direction of the boy a few feet away from her.

Haechan was mentally prepared -according to him- for everything. For a slap, for the claim that he had deserved, etc. For everything except for what happened. 

In complete glitch mode, his mind seemed to have stopped working when he felt two arms hug his body. The only thing he could do was hug her back.

And somehow it just felt right.

For a couple of seconds, none of them said a word, just stayed there. Yes, some things needed to be talked about. But now a hug felt to be what they both needed.

"I'm sorry," both said. At the same time.

The couple couldn't help but laugh lightly at their antics.

Haechan was the first to take a step back, breaking a little bit of the hug, just enough for both to be face to face. He felt his heart jump a bit at the sight. How he had missed those beautiful brown eyes, which seemed to reflect all the majesty of the universe.

"Why are you sorry? I am the idiot here," he said, still looking fondly at her, placing some strands of her behind her ear.

"Maybe I'm being annoying, I don't know. I mean, you're going through a tough situation and here I am, acting like a child-," she started babbling, looking extremely cute in the boy's eyes. Hearing an airy chuckle coming from his lips, Dahyun looked up to meet the boy's found expression. "What?"

"You're just too adorable," he said, pinching her cheeks. Her furrowed brows made clear that she wasn't understanding the situation. Wasn't he supposed to be angry or annoyed at least?

Haechan let go of the girl's face, slid his hands until he reached hers, and took another step back, to settle the seriousness of the situation needed.

"I'm not mad. I can't be. I don't have right to be mad at you, Dahyun," he said with sincerity pouring through his words. "You should be the one mad because I was the one who didn't reach you, I was the one who created this stupid and unnecessary distance between us," he let out a sigh in the middle of his speech, "I was the one trying to keep everything for himself once again. I don't think you deserve to get through all of this-"

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