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The speaker horns played a loud EDM melody which filled every space in the always-packed club. Tonight was no exception. The club was full, as usual, and the night was at its best moment. A pool of people was filling the dance floor, bodies moving one against another. Saturday night at its maximum splendor.

The perfect atmosphere to forget everything that was outside. Problems, difficult circumstances, none of that had a place there. That's why everyone goes to that kind of locale, right?

In the middle of the sea of young people, two of the four members of F4, Jeno and Jaemin were on the dance floor with two girls, following the rhythm of the song. 

"Excuse me, master Lee," the voice of one of the employees caught the owner's attention through the loud music. Jeno turned his head in the direction of the voice.

"What?" He growled. The employee gulped, knowing that his boss hated when someone interrupted him.

"I'm so sorry for interrupting you, sir, but there's a situation at the bar," he informed, trying to calm down his nerves.

"Well, that's why I'm fucking paying you, isn't it? Deal with it. I'm busy right now," he said harshly, directing his gaze to the girl in front of him.

"I-I thought you would like to see this one by yourself," he said. "It's not some no one, it's a friend of yours, sir."

Jeno and Jaemin exchanged gazes, a little bit confused.

Both made their way to the bar through the crowded dance floor, deciding to let go of their original plan for the night. They got to the place the worker pointed not believing what their eyes were showing them. Even when the back of that person was facing them, they knew exactly who he was.

First, they couldn't avoid getting excited by the sight of the familiar person. I mean, it had been a week since they saw him! But while closer they got, the more their emotion fainted, replaced by confusion and a spark of worry.

"Haechan," Jaemin called him, but this one didn't turn, just took another sip of his drink.

He seemed unfazed, almost as if the events of the past days hadn't happened. There he was, blending among the big amount of people in the club.

Jeno mentally counted how many bottles of different alcoholic beverages were surrounding him on the table, turning on an alarm inside his brain, sorbing him up instantly. As he got closer to his cousin, the black-haired Lee was able to catch the strong smell of alcohol coming from his cousin.

Carefully, both Jaemin and Jeno took seats next to the boy, the latter indicating his workers to empty as much as they could the area they were occupying.

"What happened?" Jeno asked meticulously.

"Leave me alone," Haechan said in a deep tone, obviously invaded and blinded by the effect of the alcohol inside of his anatomy.

"Haechan, you're worrying us. What's the matter?" Jaemin tried this time.

The sudden sound of Haechan's hands slamming the wooden surface of the bar table surprised both friends and the people nearby them. The action also caused some empty bottles to fall, adding to the loud sound.

"Get the hell out of here. Leave me fucking alone," he growled, gritting his teeth.

Jeno sighed and counted to three trying to get himself together before snapping, taking into account how stubborn his cousin could be more if he was drunk. After taking a breath, he signaled Jaemin to stand up and back off a little him.

"What now?" Jaemin asked, looking at his friend with worry.

"Let's call Renjun."

The younger was fast to take out his phone, just then realizing some missed calls he had. Leaving those aside, he quickly called his friend, who thankfully was fast to pick up.

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