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"Yes! Freedom!" Chenle exclaimed, dramatically exciting the school's building, gaining some glaring from the other students.

Yeah, as he cared.

"I feel like I left my soul in that classroom," Jisung mumbled, dragging his feet while following his friend, contrasting his best friend's energy completely.

"That wasn't that bad," Ryung commented, joining the boys with Dahyun. "Either way, let's never want to do that again."

The midterms season has finally finished. All the students' faces expressed aliveness, joy, and some fear. And as the midterms finished, the winter break was closer than ever, just two weeks ahead to be exact.

Following the same path, the sight was cloudy, as the cold weather was taking over the country.

"So? Where do we go to celebrate?" Chenle said, walking backward to face his friends, with a smile plastered on his face.

"Dude, I feel so drained. I want to get home and sleep all weekend. I'm out," Jisung said, suffering the consequences of his 'last-minute revisions' that kept him awake all night, most of the previous couple of days.

"Boo! You're such a kid, Park," Chenle nagged his friend, smacking his arm.


"What about you, D?" The Chinese boy asked, but got no response. "Dahyun?"

The three stared at the brunette, that was with a lost gaze, daydreaming. The group of friends exchanged glances, knowing exactly what was going on with her.

"Alright then, let me set my conditions," Haechan said with a smirk on his face.

"I'm the one who's helping you and you are going to set conditions? Hilarious," Dahyun sarcastically said, while her eyes kept staring at him.

"Yup." He nodded playfully. "A date."

"A what?"

"I know, last time I said that I messed things up," he sighed. "But not this time. I promise," he said and Dahyun was able to sense his sincerity through his eyes.

The girl slowly nodded until a thought came to her head, "I'm in midterms, though," she mumbled. Yeah, she sounded like a nerd but he ain't paying her college bills.

Her words made the boy chuckle a bit. "Alright, miss good grades, then after midterms. But that doesn't mean you're free of me this whole week."

And, boy, he made sure to fulfill his word. It didn't matter how, but he made sure to see her at least once a day. On school, on breaks, outside school, and even outside her house.

What did they do? Talk.
About what? Anything.

From talking about their day to the most random topics.

In any other circumstance, Dahyun would have found that kind of attention pretty annoying, but for some reason, she didn't mind it coming from Haechan. She even found herself enjoying it.

That's what had her that thoughtful.

Why his attention in particular didn't annoy her?

"Dahyun!" The high-pitched voice of her friend snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Yes!" She exclaimed back.

"Are you on earth now?"

"Nah, she's in Haechan-land," Jisung teased, wiggling his brows. As a result, he got smacked on the arm.

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