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Jiyu was seated in one corner of her room, hugging her legs folded on her chest. When the sudden sound of another thunder hit, she let out a desperate cry, putting her hands on her ears, trying to block the sound as much as she could. She tried to plug her headphones in and listen to music to distract her mind, but they didn't work for some reason.

"Dahyun, where are you?" The girl whispered to herself.

Her heart rate was irregularly fast, cold sweat on the palms of her hands, and tears invading her eyes. Jiyu tried to take deep breaths but the loud sound of other thunder made it useless.

Astraphobia. She was diagnosed at a very young age, which meant that the rainy season was one of her worst enemies.

She hated it. She hated being like that, it made her look so weak, and it made her defenseless. She hated feeling like the typical useless main character of a teenage rom-com.


Jiyu still remembered that day when an unexpected storm came while she was in school. One of her worst memories. Dozens of people's faces surrounding her while laughing and pointing at her were still fresh in her mind.

The sound of a ringing phone drove her out of her thoughts. Without reading the name of who was calling, she quickly picked up the call.

"Hello?" She whispered, with all the strength she could gather.

"Jiyu?" The girl heard a familiar voice on the other side of the call. 


"Yes, it's me. Don't worry, everything is going to be okay, alright?" He said, trying to comfort her as much as he could while driving like a madman through the streets of the city. He wasn't sure what kind of problem Dahyun talked about but just listening to her weak voice made his heart beat radically fast.

"Everything is going to be alrig-" She tried to repeat, but the sound of other thunder made her flinch, letting out a small cry.

"Jiyu, hey! Focus on my voice, alright?" Jaemin said, desperate for not knowing what to do. A quick analysis made him realize more or less what was the situation. "Ehm, how was your day?"

"My day?" Jiyu answered, quite taken aback by his sudden interest in her life.

"Yeah, tell me about your day. What did you do?" Jaemin heard the loud sound of thunder on the other side of the line followed by a whimper from the girl, confirming his theory. "Tell me, what did you do?" He insisted, trying to catch the girl's attention.

"Uhm, I went to the library and studied," she started saying, trying to remember her day.

"What did you study?"

If he was honest with himself, Jaemin couldn't get to hear most of the girl's answers due to the heavy rain that was pouring outside plus the honks of the cars he surpassed through the road. Also, the adrenaline running through his veins made him sometimes forget he was still on the phone.

After some minutes, Jaemin arrived at the address Dahyun had indicated to him. Without thinking twice, the boy got off the car, not caring about getting wet from the raindrops. 

"Jiyu, do you think you can open the door for me?" 

"What?" Jiyu blurred out, quite taken aback by his sudden request.

"I'm outside your house."

The girl, dumbfounded by his words once again, made her way to the front door. Opening this one, she caught the sight of the tall, black-haired boy standing there with a smile on his face.

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