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The sun was setting when the group of friends, guided by the GPS, arrived at the last destination they had set for the day. They all got out of the car, surveying the area briefly with their eyes.

It was not very different from most of the destinations they had that day, a fairly average neighborhood, surely belonging to the upper middle class of society.

"Are you sure this is the last one?" Jeno asked, hesitantly following his friends' steps.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Renjun said, confirming the information while looking at his phone. He stopped abruptly when he noticed that the person in front of him stopped his steps. With a sigh, he stood beside the boy and looked at his profile. "Ready?"

"No," Haechan said breathly, shoving his hands inside his jeans pockets. "But that doesn't matter, we have to do this anyways. I have to do it."

"We are in this together, remember?" Jaemin appeared on his left, putting his arm around the sun-kissed boy's shoulders.

"Yeah, let's go."

The four friends made their way to the specific baby blue-painted house, softly knocking on the door when they got there.

Nervousness and anxiety hit them, most specifically Haechan when the sound of some steps approaching was heard. Nevertheless, once the door was opened, the surprise hit both sides.

"W-What are you doing here?"

His startled voice tone made the group feel worse than they already did. His body language, and the simple fact that the door was only half open, suggested that he regretted having opened the door.

"We are not here to cause trouble. Quite the opposite," Renjun tried to explain, with the softest and calmest tone possible.

"Actually," said the voice the owner of the house once hoped never had to listen again, "we are here to apologize, Minho."

"Excuse me, yeah, I'm sorry but none of your spectacular narration," Jiyu said, cutting the flow of the story, with a little drop of sarcasm at the end of the sentence, "explains why  Haechan has a swollen cheek and a cut lip," said now pointing at the guy sitting at the edge of the sofa, who was waiting for his girlfriend to bring an ice pack.

"Can you just wait a bit?" Jaemin asked annoyed due to the interruption. "I'm setting the context!"

"Don't get mad, Na," Renjun warned while looking at the screen of his cell phone.

"Anyways, as I was saying-"

"Apologize?" Minho snorted, laughing after as if he had just heard the most absurd thing ever. 

"I know- I know this doesn't make up for what we, and mostly I, have done to you," Haechan started. "You have every right to refuse to accept our apology, you have every right to keep hating on us."

"Are you serious right now? Like dead ass?" Minho asked in disbelief, now fully opening the door. "Now you are going to play the good boy?"

"Look," Jeno decided to intervene. "As Haechan said, you don't have to accept them, we just want to do things right, okay? "

"After ruining so many lives? Yeah, fair enough," he said, folding his arms against his chest.

"Hey, okay, nobody said it was fair. We are not the heroes here, and we don't attempt to pretend to be, we just want to apologize," Jaemin said this time. 

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