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"Thank you for buying here. Come back soon," Jiyu politely said to the customer who just slightly bowed as a response and left the store.

After that person got out, the wide smile that Jiyu was wearing faded instantly and a heavy sigh escaped from her lips. Her hands reached for the books in her backpack and started reading once again, just like she was before the customer interrupted her study time.

The year had been passing so quickly that it worried Jiyu. All she could think of is that she had to pass that exam and get into college, there was no other option. Her mother had worked so hard to get the money to send her to Seoul, even when she got sick, so in Jiyu's mind disappointing her wasn't an option.

The girl was so focused on her notes that easily lost track of time, nevertheless, her moment didn't last long. The sudden sound of the bell notified her that someone entered the shop.

"Damn, can't they go buy somewhere else?" she thought.

Closing her book, a customer-service-like smile appeared on her face until she noticed who that person was.

"Welcome- what are you doing here?" Her tone changed drastically in the middle of the sentence.

"Hey, that's not the way you treat a customer, sweetie," he said, with a playful smirk.

"Are you stalking me or something? At this point, you appear everywhere," she spoke crossing her arms onto her chest, "it's tiring, you know?"

"Seeing my face? I doubt it," he snapped back. "Anyways, you wish I was stalking you," Jaemin said, peeking through the window like he was looking for someone, or avoiding it. "There's this group of crazy fangirls that follow me everywhere. I just entered a random store to hide and, surprise, you were here. I guess destiny wants us together." The boy turned briefly just to flash her a smirk.

"I don't care what destiny wants. Go hide somewhere else, I'm working," she said, approaching him to push him outside.

"Well, that's not going to be possible, sweetie. Also, why would you kick out your boss? That's not a really smart move," he said, standing in front of her with a full smirk on his face, folding his arms on his chest.

"Excuse me?"

"Always read the small letters, sweetie."

Jaemin pointed to the banner on the counter. Just under the name of the store, you could read written in a small font:

Na&Associates Corporation.

"My family owns this branch of flower shops, which means that, theoretically, I'm your boss," he explained while closing the shutters of one of the two giant windows that the store had.

"No, your father is my boss. You're just an annoying invasive, not only theoretically. Now get out," she said, trying to push him out of the store.

"No, wait! I'll give you a rise!" He exclaimed, making her moves stop.

Jiyu stared at him with a raised brow for a moment. "How much?"


"Yeah, you're definitely going out."

Jaemin grabbed both of the girl's hands and pushed them towards the side of the store where the shutters were closed, hearing the familiar voices of the group trying to hide approaching.

"You don't understand. They are insufferable, please!" He shouted-whispered.


"You know I can fire you, right?"

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