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Last chapter of 2022
(no proof-read)

Deciding to stop suffering alone is not easy.

It's even more difficult when you have been doing so for a long time; when you're already used to it.

Opening up is not an easy task but it's necessary once in a while. Haechan learned that lesson the hard way: keeping everything inside until he couldn't hold it anymore. And it's not that he didn't trust his friends. He did. A lot. But there was always something that didn't allow him.

Pride? Stubbornness? Maybe a mix of both, who knows?

However, he decided that this time had to be different. He wouldn't let the story keep repeating when he knew he was able to change it.

"Are you sure you want to keep going with the treatment under the same doctor? My cousin is a great oncologist, he's always busy but I'm sure I can book a special medical appointment," Jaemin said, looking straight into his friend's eyes to show the genuineness of his offer.

Haechan gave him a grateful small smile, "we are sure, Jaemin, but thank you, I appreciate the support."

"Anyhow, hyuck, it doesn't matter what it is, you know you count on us for whatever you need, right?" Jeno said to his cousin, pouring sincerity on his words while patting the younger's shoulder. The latter nodded, trying hard to hold back the tears gathering in his eyes.

"You must, idiot. I swear if I get to know that you are having a hard time and you don't come to us I'm-"

"In summary, we care about you," Jaemin quickly intervened, putting his arm around the older's shoulder to stop him from keep talking, to which Renjun just rolled his eyes.

Haechan chuckled a bit at his friends' group's dynamics. The four boys were sitting on one of the benches placed in the Lee's residence front yard, staring how the sight of a beautiful winter sunset.

Despite their padding coats making the action of sitting all together on one bench a difficult thing, they found a way by being squeezed in next to each other.

The environment was tranquil, a couple of snowflakes falling while the moonlight was taking over the firmament.

"I swear to God, Jaemin, stop moving! Don't you see we barely fit?"

"But my butt feels numb!"

"What butt though?"

"Look who's talking! Jeno, I can't even tell where your back ends."

The three boys snorted in laughter while Jeno wore a mix of a shocked and offended expressions. The cold weather of the season contrasted with the warmth that these moments made grow within their chests.

"Why is Renjun laughing though? You aren't any better."

"If I was you, I'd shut my mouth, Lee."


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