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"It's not what it looked like!" These were the first words Dahyun heard the next day after getting out of the bathroom.

"I didn't say anything," she responded, while a playful smirk was drawn on her face. "I just follow the facts: Na Jaemin drove you home yesterday. That's it, right?"

"Yeah, but," Jiyu said while following her cousin to the kitchen, "it's not like we are friends or stuff. He, out of the blue, invaded my workspace saying that a group of stalkers was chasing him and he needed help. I tried to kick him out but, oh coincidence, his family owns the freaking flower shop. Can you believe it? He is literally everywhere, it's so suffocating! And later, when it was time for me to come home, he started saying nonsense like: 'I can drive you home.' Like if someone asked him to! Of course, I said no, but he kept bothering me and followed me around. What? Is he a kid?"

Dahyun simply stared at her cousin while she talked at an abnormal speed, almost like she was rapping. She couldn't avoid slightly chuckling at some of her words. Sipping her cup of tea, Dahyun waited for her cousin to finish her entertaining story.

"So you gave in," Dahyun concluded.

"I mean, yeah, but it's not like I didn't try to resist!"

"I didn't say you didn't," she agreed, trying to remain unfazed. If she let out a laugh, Jiyu would be so pissed.

"Ugh, whatever. I hope I never see him again," Jiyu said while serving herself a cup of coffee.


"I'm serious, Dahyun."

"And I totally believe you."

"Ya! Kang Dahyun-"

"I just don't get why you're telling me this," Dahyun said, trying not to laugh, knowing that her laugh would make Jiyu even angrier. "You can date whoever you want-"

"We are not dating and we will never do," Jiyu said, emphasizing every syllable of the sentence.

"Who knows? Never say never, Justin Bieber says."

"Since when you started quoting Justin Bieber?"


"So," Ms. Hwang started saying, "as you're going to have so much time during your break, let's make sure you'll invest it in something useful." A malicious smile appeared on the teacher's face.

All the students shared gazes, knowing exactly what the teacher was talking about.


"She knows that 'breaks' are actually to rest, right?" Ryung mumbled, going out of the classroom after the bell rang. "Send homework for the holidays, what a joke."

"At least the school break is longer than other schools," Dahyun tried to cheer her friend up while walking down the stairs. "Try to look at the good side of it!"

One month. Normal schools had 3 weeks of winter break, but Seoul International High School added always one week more, as their studies program was known to be one of the most demanding in the capital.

"You're right, I don't have to see her annoying face for four weeks, what a blessing!"

Both girls were stepping on the last stair when they felt an arm around their shoulders, almost making them fall.

"We are finally free!"

"Ya! Zhong Chenle, I swear, one more time and I'm gonna sm-"

"Anyways, are you guys traveling for this break?" Jisung appeared next to them and cut his sister's words, while the group walked down the stairs together.

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