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White walls. 

Sorrow and despair.

If you asked Lee Haechan to describe a hospital those would be the first word that would come out of his mouth.

The environment was busy as always inside the well-known building. People hurriedly went back and forth, minding their own business.

The hectic pace of his heartbeats resounding in his ears, the anxious movement of his left foot.

His right hand had been captive in between his sister's. Teats of desperation are being held back with all of his might.

How the homey atmosphere of the Kang household might have also been quickly replaced by this?

One call and three words were enough.

"Haechan, it's mom.."

Quickly apologizing to the Kangs, the sun-kissed boy took his leave and drove through the city's streets as a madman. Even when Dahyun offered to go with him, at the moment his mind was too busy to accept that kind offer.

Even when the atmosphere in the waiting room was mostly quiet, his head was spinning, full of loud thoughts. 

How is it that when everything seems to be going well, always something has to happen and dark the clear horizon?

"Relatives of patient Lee Solhee?"The doctor asked out loud, making the pair of brothers and Taeil stand up by synergy.

"Yes, here we are. Any update?"

"Well, thankfully, you brought the patience in time, with a little bit of effort we were able to stabilize her," he explained, letting the three now breathe normally. 

"Thank you, doctor," Doyoung said on behalf of the siblings. "But, uhm, why this sudden decompensation? There had been a great improvement in the last few days," he let out the group's thoughts.

"Well," the doctor said with a sigh, looking at the information on his hands. "This disease is like that, unpredictable. As you just said, the medication was having an amazing effect on her but, these sudden comedowns are usual. For now, the best will be to keep her under observation."

"Can we- uhm, you know, see her?" Dohee asked carefully.

"Maybe tomorrow. At the moment she is under the effects of the sedative."

"Oh, yes, of course. Thank you, doctor," she said, bowing respectfully, being followed by the men next to her.

"It's nothing. Oh, we need someone to fill in the patient's data, if you could accompany me to the reception?"

Dohee and Doyoung followed the doctor, not without first asking the younger boy if he would be okay just for a few moments. He, of course, accepted.

Alone with just his thoughts, Haechan started thinking about what could have been the mistake they might have made for their mother to end up like this. Did they skip some instructions? Maybe the diet? 

"Haechan!" The boy heard the familiar voice of his cousin, bringing his attention to the emergency entrance. 

There they were, the same three guys that ran to him many years ago. Flashbacks started glitching inside his head, making him rub his eyes with his palms in order to keep himself in the present scenario.

The image of three kids with school uniforms was being mixed inside his head with one of his three friends in their late teens running to him with their casual, brand outfits.

And there he was, once again, alone in the waiting room,  eaten away by anxiety and despair.

He hated it.

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