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"Look at him," Jaemin said while showing his phone to Jeno with a wide smile. "Whipped as heck."

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"Doesn't it worries you, though?" Jeno suddenly asked, making Jaemin's smile fade. He locked his phone and sighed.

"You mean if his mom finds out?"

"Yeah, I mean, I'm happy that he's allowing himself to look for happiness again but you know that the 'couple topic' between our parents is quite, how to say it, complicated," Jeno said, carefully building the sentence.

"I know, but, don't you think that you're overthinking everything? They just are on a date, it's not like he's going to hand you know what over just like that."

The boy chuckled at his best friend's words, which his mind directed to a completely different meaning. "That sounded so bad."

"Ya! I'm serious." Jaemin smacked his friend's arm. "Even if he doesn't care about that stuff, he knows he has to be careful."

"Yeah, I hope he does remember that. Because, damn, if his mom feels something it's not right," Jeno said and let out a frustrated sigh. "You know what happened with Dohee noona."

"Right. Thinking about it, Renjun and Yuna were so lucky to find each other." Jeno just nodded in response.

Both friends remained silent for a couple of seconds, staring at the ceiling.

"Well, there's nothing else we can do," the older guy finally spoke. "And for us, let's try to enjoy life until our parents get a deal and sell our souls to the highest bidder." Jeno laid back on the sofa and started scrolling through random apps. "Oh, by the way, what's up with that Jiyu girl?"

Jaemin's body slightly tensed at hearing that name but acted as if nothing had happened. After clearing his throat, he asked, "What do you mean?"

"Bold of you expecting me to get fooled by your awful acting skills. You like her, right?"

Jaemin scoffed. "If I like her? I find her cute, must say. I just like to appreciate the beauty of life and women. Also, it's funny when she gets mad."

"Yeah, right," Jeno answered, not fully convinced. "If you say so. Just remember that we have to deal with Haechan's case already so don't add more weight to my back."

"I won't."


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