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"Dr. Blake," a nurse called, her smile very bright and flirtatious ignoring the silver ring on my left ring finger.

Me, being thirty-seven years old, married to a beautiful woman who had my 16-year-old daughter.

And yet, the young nurses still forget or ignore that I'm happily married to my wife and my age.

I don't want to brag about how I look but I look pretty fit for my age and young.

Considering I'm going to be in my forties soon, nurses in their early twenties still hit on me ignoring the fact of the silver ring on my finger.

"Yes, Miss Collins?" I answered pushing my glasses up a bit.

My vision declined as I have gotten older and most nurses and patients would say that it adds to the hot doctor act.

Except it's not an act but a real thing.

"I was wondering...Um if you would like to go out for lunch this evening?" She questioned fiddling with her fingers.

"Oh, I'm married," Raising my left hand to show her the ring, she only shuffled a bit before biting her bottom lip.

"I mean, it doesn't mean the offer is off the table," she muttered out.

A wave of disgust yet humor came over me as I tilted my head at her in confusion.

Miss Collins is a beautiful woman don't get me wrong, any man would be tempted by her yet I don't find her attractive and I'm married.

So of course, I'll still have to decline.

"I'm good," I huffed before checking my watch.

I'm going to be late.


"I have to go," I interrupted her before she had a chance to push further.

Clocking out of the hospital, I quickly walked over to the employee's parking area before finding my Porsche.

"Ahh," I exhaled opening the driver's door before throwing my briefcase in the back.

Once I was in my car, I checked the rear-view mirror before pushing start and taking off to where I had to go.


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