30 - Sex life?

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The sound of skin slapping on skin filled the dark bedroom as Oliver struggled to keep his groans and grunts low

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The sound of skin slapping on skin filled the dark bedroom as Oliver struggled to keep his groans and grunts low.

Ivan thrusted himself repeatedly and roughly in and out of Oliver making the poor doctor's insides churn in delight as he tried his best to be as quiet as he could so he wouldn't alert Emily.

His teeth bit onto the fabric of the pillowcase as Ivan tightened his grip on Oliver's waist whilst biting onto his bottom lip.

"Der'mo" Ivan cursed in his native tongue while a hand of his curled its way around Oliver's dick once again.

Oliver gasped as he paused for a bit.

"Ivan not again I can't," Oliver breathed his voice low and labored.

He came too many times and he wasn't sure if he could anymore.

"Da, baby you can," Ivan rasped as he stroked Oliver.

"Fuck," Oliver cursed arching his back.



I could barely open my eyes when I felt hands of Ivan run lightly over my body as he washed me

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I could barely open my eyes when I felt hands of Ivan run lightly over my body as he washed me.

"Emily I-"

"I had Lev take her to school," Ivan assured as he shifted himself a bit inside the bathtub.

"Your bathtub is a little small, Lisichka, " Ivan teased. I shook my head lazily before rolling my eyes and leaning my head to the side.

Ivan's hand snaked its way up to my neck tracing it as Ivan brought his lips down to kiss it.

"No, don't start again I have work to be done today," I stated my voice sounding serious as ever.

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