His Zaychik - Pull Over.

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"Maxim,"  I called, my voice barely audible but I knew that he heard me right

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"Maxim,"  I called, my voice barely audible but I knew that he heard me right.

Maxim's eyes turned to me as he awaited my command whilst I stared at my pretty little Zaychik who happily served customers at the bar.

He looked so fuckable in his little sheer crop top with his pretty pink pierced nipples pressed against it.

My eyes narrowed when Connor's eyes slipped to mine, his face immediately becoming flush as he did before he quickly looked away.

Probably thinking about the time at my cabin.

I had fucked him on every and any surface I could get my hands on at my place.

"That man who talked to Connor earlier, bring him to me," I instructed.

A man was hovering over Connor, trying to get Connor to engage with him but over and over my Zaychik declined but looked like the perv wasn't getting the idea.

He was staying close and staring right at Connor's pierced nipples.

I could almost feel my veins snap when I saw him lick his lips in desire.

"Now, Maxim," I growled.

"Da," Maxim replied as he Immediately went over to the man.

Smiling I watched as Maxim slammed the man's head into the bar table before being pulled by the hair over towards me.

The man's eyes widened as he took a good look at me.

"I-I What did I do w-wrong?!" he sputtered. Raising a brow leaning back as I stared at him silently I shrugged.

"Hmm, I don't know," I answered flickering my eyes toward Connor whose gaze was fixed over here.

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