39 - She is Sorry

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Oliver inhaled as he felt his chest tighten while Ivan squeezed his hand in support

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Oliver inhaled as he felt his chest tighten while Ivan squeezed his hand in support.

His eyes were glued to the floor as he ignored the pair of eyes that were completely identical to his stare at him.

He couldn't look at her.

"Oliver, Dear," Olivia called. Quickly Oliver shook his head.

"Don't call me that," Oliver clipped making Olivia flinch at the tone of his voice a bit.

Oliver knew he was the one who agreed to sit down and talk with her but he couldn't bring himself to look at her.

She had just left him.

Left him with his father, who abused him for years.

If she had just come back sooner or stayed maybe he wouldn't have gone through all that in his childhood.

"Oliver," Olivia called again. She stared at her son, studying him.

He had Russellʼs facial structure but had her facial features beside the nose.

He also had her habits like touching his glasses whenever he got frustrated.

Slowly Olivia turned her eyes toward the man who glared at her down.

Her son's lover. The man you gave her the courage to come face to face with her son.

And the man who looks like he wanted to kill her.

"I'm sorry," Olivia began her heart thumping as her voice trembled a bit.

Finally, Oliver's eyes met hers. As much as he wanted not to believe those words that came out of her mouth.

As much as he wanted to keep fueling the hatred and resentment he'd built against her for over those years he couldn't.

Because Oliver could sense and hear how genuine and remorseful she felt upon hearing those words.

"I shouldn't have left you," she continued as tears welled up in her eyes.

"I should've stayed, but I couldn't. Your father and I marriage was not a marriage of love. It was far from that, Our parents had forced us at a young age to get married, to have a child to become what they deemed successful," Oliver stayed silent as he listened to his mother.

"I'm not saying this for an excuse as to why I left but for you to know the truth. Your father didn't love me but I somehow fell in love with him. And all he wanted was to fulfill what our parents- my father wanted which was to have an heir, and a legacy, and as a 20-year-old I was tired of being told to shut up and listen and do what I'm told. And living up to everyone's expectations. So I gave your father and my parents what they wanted an heir which was you, and left," Oliver opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it before nodding his head for his mother to go on.

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