2 - Doctor...

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Translations are in italics

It's been a few days since I've seen Mr

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It's been a few days since I've seen Mr. Russian not that I wasn't peaking around every door in my apartment complex in case I see him.

But yeah I'm now at work, patiently waiting for my time to clock out since I'm having Emily today.

I missed seeing her every day, although we do text or FaceTime every day.

It doesn't change the fact that I'm used to saying goodnight to my peanut every night in person.

"Dr. Blake," a nurse called making me inhale in annoyance.

Again? When is Miss Collins going to give up?

"Yes, Savannah?" I growled my voice sounding harsher than useful.

Savannah flinched before nervous rubbing her arms.

"I'm sorry to hear about your divorce," she began making my jaw clench.

Divorce this, divorce that. I don't give a fuck about the divorce.

I just wanna be left alone. I nodded my eyes completely on her which seemed to make her fidget even more.

"So I was wondering if youʼd"

"Ms.Collins, I'm not interested in you, now or never and I think it's for the best if I tell you this," I said harshly taking my glasses off before pinching the bridge of my nose.

Okay maybe I was a little too harsh by the look on her face but I needed to get the point across otherwise she'll think that she has a chance.

"Sorry, I was a little harsh but I just recently came out of a divorce and-"

"Dr. Blake!" a voice yelled making a turn toward nurse Mimi who and a couple of others hurriedly rolled on a patient.

Immediately I ran over to where they were.

"What's the issue?" I questioned as I assess the situation.

"Heʼs have been shot in the lower abdomen and his left leg," she rambled.

"Looks like he'll need emergency surgery," I stated knowing we have to be the bullet fragments out.

"Of course, Doctor,"


Who the hell would have thought.

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