6 - Fücking pissed.

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Italics mean they're speaking in Russian.

Ivan's green eyes bore into mine awaiting my answer

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Ivan's green eyes bore into mine awaiting my answer. Nervously I twiddled with my fingers before shaking my head.

"I'm 37 you know," I stated, Ivan, tilted his head before nodding it.

"Yes, indeed you are, Doctor," he hums, his hand still on the back of my neck rubbing it.

"Which means I'm older than you and I definitely shouldn't be taking orders from you," I rambled. Ivan only smiled as his left hand took the glass of scotch Connor had placed into his hand before taking a sip.

His eyes quickly dipped low towards my mouth before connecting back to my eyes.

"Lisichka," he calls the scent of scotch filling my nostrils.

Although I would usually find it disgusting with other people but with Ivan I found it sexy and wondered how itʼd taste if my tongue went into his mouth.

"You still haven't answered my question, no?" he queries his expression neutral but inviting while I bit my lip.

"I came here because of you," I began. Ivan's eyes widen as he raised a brow in confusion at me.

"I'm not supposed to be attracted to a man, let alone you, Mr. Mikhailov"  Ivan leaned more into me, his face closer as he motioned me to continue.

"But, you...you make me question myself,"

"You make me question everything that  I grew up to believe. What I've lived and known all my life," My heart quickened when the feeling over Ivanʼs lips hovered over my own.

"Is that a bad thing Doctor?" he whispered.

"No, but it should be," I muttered earning a gorgeous smile coming from Ivan.

"Can I kiss you, Lisichka?" He queried his voice low and husky.

"Um, sure?-"

"Sir," a guard called interrupting us.

"Похоже, ваша посылка была прервана.," the man in black spoke Ivan's jaw clenched as he then pulled me closer by the hand on my neck.

Hastily he slammed his lips onto mine, making my body submit to him in an instant.

A smile tugged his lips as he pulled away.

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