10 - Old friend...

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Snapping back to my senses I've realized I never should've let things go that far with Ivan

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Snapping back to my senses I've realized I never should've let things go that far with Ivan.

He's young and seems to be a dangerous and powerful man.

I don't think it would be best for me, a 37- year-old single dad, to get involved with him.

I've never been in a relationship with a man before and just thinking about one with Ivan scared me.

How would he take with my daughter?

He had called me last night as he promised but since I ignored every call too freaked out that I actually gave a man a handjob.

Might've blocked his number too.

Suddenly my phone buzzed in my lab coat making me jump in my seat.


You said you gave him a hand job?


And now you wanna back out?


Yeah, I don't know if Ivan
would let you go after that.

What do you mean?

Conner definitely knew what Ivan did for a living and what kind of man he was.

Like I said Ivan is a well-known man.

Yes, I know Conner but
when are you going
to tell me who he really is?

I can't


I can't tell you because your
boo thang forbid me to,
sorry sweets.

Oh okay well,
I have to get back to work.

We should make plans
to hang out this week!  

Yes, I'll think about it bye.



Tucking my phone into my lab coat. I stared down at my half-eaten ham sandwich wondering if so should throw it away or finish it.

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