7 - Horrid Memories

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Emily was by her mom's today so I had the apartment all to myself which was quite a bit lonely

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Emily was by her mom's today so I had the apartment all to myself which was quite a bit lonely.

It was my day off so I had nothing to do but check over some of my patient's files and make some adjustments to them.

But there's also the fact that I can be called in but I doubt that would happen since it's one out of a million possibilities.

Sitting back in my office chair I swang back and forth as my eyes stared at the ceiling in boredom.

I'd rather be at work. I guess that would be weird to most people but work was where I got to escape from Amelia since she was a work-at-home wife.

But I'm not married anymore.

My phone buzzed catching my attention, immediately I answered not caring who was on the caller ID.


"Son," his voice gruffed. My body tensed at just the realization of who it was.

My father.

"Oliver are you there?" my mouth struggled to open while my mind fumbled with words.

What should I say?

Why is he calling?

Why now?

"I heard you and Amelia divorced," he announced.

Of course, that's why. But I haven't told him that I and Amelia were splitting because I didn't want to hear his voice or opinions.

"I knew you couldn't keep a woman," he growled.

"Amelia told me herself she wasn't satisfied with you," he continued his tone laced with disgust.

My hands could only be clenched as I stayed quiet listening to my father go on about my failed marriage.

Memories only filled my mind, corrupting the peace I had built over the years I spent away.

Memories of his abuse and control.




The slap was made as Russell raised his hand higher to slap his son Oliver.

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