His Officer - Apologies

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I inhaled as I stood outside the front door of Ravi's house unsure if this was a good idea

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I inhaled as I stood outside the front door of Ravi's house unsure if this was a good idea. I had fucked up. There was no doubt I hadn't fucked up and it took me so long to realize that I did.

I was a fool, a dumb stupid fool who couldn't realize that there was someone who cared so very much about me.

I was so obsessed with Oliver and Ivan that I hadn't noticed how Ravi had made me feel how safe and secure and how beautifully and charming his character was.

The truth was I liked him.

I didn't know when it had happened. Maybe it was the day he had cockingly talked at me at the bar or when he would force me to stay and converse with him after our hooks up. Asking how I was and how I felt. Asking deep questions about my childhood, about how I came out, and how I found out I was gay.

Or was it when he had forced me to listen to his life story of how he was an outcast in his breadwinning family because of his sexuality? Maybe it was when I found out we were a lot similar to what I thought we were.

Breathing in once more, I raised my hands as I hesitantly knocked on the door waiting patiently for Ravi to answer it.

I swallowed my guilt and nerves down as I heard the sound of footsteps inching closer to the front door.

Hearing the door unlock I watch as it swings open revealing the breathtaking Ravi Khatri. Ravi paused as he looked me up and down before clenching his jaw.

"What?" Ravi clipped, his voice sending a shrill of regret through me.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

"Can I come in?" I questioned hoping to God that he would say yes. Scanning me from head to toe again, he nodded before stepping aside allowing me entrance.

A sigh of relief escaped me as I smiled a little happy that he wasn't too mad at me to keep me out.

"So, what do I owe the pleasure? I thought that whatever me and you had was over after that little argument?" Ravi began his voice sounding cold.

" I came to say that I'm sorry, that I-I didn't mean what I said," I expressed, earning silence in response. Ravi's brows qued as he shook his head in disbelief.


"I am sorry Ravi and I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that the person I truly liked was you," I announced earning a complete shock on Ravi's face.

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