14 - His Man

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Oliver groaned as Ivan took him into his mouth

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Oliver groaned as Ivan took him into his mouth.

His lips eagerly moving at such pleasure his hands daring to indulge themselves in the man's hair.

Gliding his tongue against Oliver's tip made the man shudder before him causing Ivan's lips to curve a bit.

"I-Ivan," Oliver stuttered when the dominating man met his hands towards his balls playing with them.

"Fuck," Oliver cursed.

Ivan ignored his painfully large bulge that was fighting for a way of release as he was only focused on his Lisichka pleasure.

Oliver's size was considered big but Ivan had no problem deep-throating Oliver which made Oliver know for sure that Ivan was very experienced.

"I-Ivan," Oliver moaned thrusting his hips towards Ivan's mouth.

Ivan was wildly turned on by how Oliver desperately moaned out his name.

He wanted to get off his knees, bend Oliver over and fuck him ruthlessly but he knew his cute doctor wasn't ready for such a thing.

"I'm cumming!" Oliver shouted trying to push Ivan's head from him but Ivan's stayed in place sucking harder than before.

"Shit!" He cursed, as his cum hit the back of Ivan's throat who in return greedily sucked it down.

Oliver's face gasped at Ivan's action, Immediately he began to scold Ivan who only licked his lips clean.

Oliver's face gasped at Ivan's action, Immediately he began to scold Ivan who only licked his lips clean

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"Why did you?! That isn't something you should-" he bickered as I made my way onto my feet.

He looked so fucking cute all flustered and embarrassed.

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