22 - Inquiries?

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"You can't do this! I'm great friends with the mayor of this city! Amelia call the cops!" Russell growled as the men dragged him out of the house.

Quickly the men gagged the man making him mute.

Amelia gulped connecting her eyes with Viktor who held a gloved finger against his lips.

"I can't promise your safety if you run that mouth of yours, Amelia," Viktor rasped smiling maliciously causing Amelia to blush at the sound of his voice.

"Y-You can't just take my father-in-law, he's a well-respected man and the father of Oliver!" Amelia argued. Surely, Oliver wouldn't allow this!

"Da, he is but he's also a little bitch," Viktor taunted kicking the man in his stomach.


"Now get inside and treat Little Emily with respect, I hate when parents disregard their child's feelings," Viktor scowled his face immediately void of any emotion.

Pushing Amelia into her house he closed the front door after her before motioning his men to move Russell to the van.

"Ivan's mad," Viktor only spoke as his men nodded their heads in understatement.

"I wonder what this old man did," Maxim spoke.

Viktor wandered too but it wasn't any of his business.


Russell sat in the warehouse tied to a chair with a stoic expression. They couldn't do shit to him.

He was a well-known and respected man, friends with the mayor and he owns a couple of high-marketing companies.

His eyes flickered to the one with the scar who watched him closely. He didn't understand how this young man could live like this.


The sounds of footsteps were heard making each man in the warehouse quickly stand up in attention.

The man who had gotten his claws embedded into his son Oliver.

Barry, Amelia's lawyer had said he was some big-time gangster or something.

But Russell wasn't scared because he had more power than Ivan Mikhailov a wannabe gangsta.

Russell hated this man.

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