1 - Mr. Russian

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"Yes, I would like for you to move that upstairs," I instructed to the movers as they took the chair upstairs

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"Yes, I would like for you to move that upstairs," I instructed to the movers as they took the chair upstairs.

It's been a few weeks since Amelia and I had went through divorce. I've finally found a good penthouse, that comes with two bedrooms, an office and a 1 guest room.
I'm probably going to use that guest room to build Em a studio since she loves making music and stuff.

"Dad ,why can't I live with you?" She questioned making my heart pang as she watched the movers move her bed into her room.

"Because your mother and I have an agreement which is I get you on the weekends and a few optional week days," I explained walking into the kitchen with her following in after me.

"And by the way how are you doing? With me and your mother divorcing?" I questioned.

I'm sure Em heard everything that night and I expected her to cry or seek comfort from me or Amelia but she seemed perfectly fine.

"To be honest dad, I knew you and mom weren't a normal couple," she began shocking me.

"I'm 16, not the little 6 year old who believed everything she saw,"

"The way you and mom were distant and the way you went along with everything mom wanted, I could tell that my parents weren't in love with another," I frowned staring at Em as she avoided my gaze.

"Oh, peanut," I called making her cringe.

"I even knew mom was cheating on you but I-I didn't want to tell you because I-"

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry that you got dragged in all of this between me and your mother," I apologized.

Emily smiled faintly before continuing.

"I saw how mom smiled when she talked to Barry, it was like her world lit up, I haven't saw her smile like that since my middle school graduation,"

"She looked so happy and yet when I look at you dad, you're the opposite," she stated making my heart tightened a bit.

"What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine," Emily only shook her head in disappointment before grabbing my hand.

"Dad, I want to see you happy,"

"What do you mean? I'm perfectly happy with you,"

"No, Dad I want to see you happy with someone other than me,"  she declared making my brows que in question.

Someone else other than her?

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