His Zaychik - Fück taking things slow.

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His eyes.

Damn, his eyes.

Grey silver liked eyes gaze upon me hungrily devouring my every being. I've never experienced the feeling of a man staring at me as though he wanted nothing but to fuck me. Maybe I had but not as desirably as Viktor.

Mischievousness flashed in his gaze as he licked his lips before parting them to say something.

"Strip for me, Zaychik" Viktor ordered his voice low and breathy.

Viktor always talked at a lower volume which I liked about him.

But his voice right now had sent shivers all through my body.

"Connor," Viktor warned.

Nodding my head, my hands hesitantly reached for the hem of my crop top before pulling it off.

My eyes watched as Viktor's gaze shifted toward my pierced nipples.

I gulped when he licked his lips before moving his eyes down toward my waist.

"Pants," he rasped.

Moving my hands towards my lower abdomen, I quickly unbuckled my pants before shrugging it off along with my underwear.

I was bare.

Completely bare before, Viktor, whose eyes burned their gaze into me.

"The bed," Viktor stated.

Swallowing my saliva, I then began moving my way towards the bed.

I didn't know why I felt so nervous and scared it's not like it was my first time having sex.

But it was Viktor and I didn't know what he had planned for me.

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