21 - Importance

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I was infuriated, but on the outside, I remain calm

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I was infuriated, but on the outside, I remain calm.

I listened as Oliver went on about what that poor excuse of a father did to him.

You would think me being the bratva would understand or see nothing wrong with how Oliver's father treated him.

Well, you thought wrong. Yes, my father forced me to kill, to become heir of his bratva.

But my father never laid his hands on me. I stared at the bruised skin on Oliver's cheek as he talked to me.

Tilting my head to the side I flickered my eyes toward Lev giving him a message discreetly.

'Have Viktor capture him and bring him out to the warehouse'  Lev nodded as he pulled out his cell to text Viktor the message.

"Are you listening to me?"

"Da," I replied.

"Good, because you can't just do what you want Ivan, you can't kill him," he rambled.

Smiling calmly I gently took a hand of his bringing it to my face and pressing my face into his palm.

"I get what you are saying, Lisichka, but I always get what I want and do what I want," I began, kissing his hand.

"And right now I want your father dead," I bellowed my voice deepening and my gaze darkening.

"Ivan," He breathed.

It seems he forgot, who his man is.

"Must I remind you, doctor, that you are not in a relationship with some incompetent man, but with me a leader of a Russian mafia, The Bratva " I glowered, pulling Oliver's body close to mine.

"Must I remind you, doctor, that you are not in a relationship with some incompetent man, but with me a leader of a Russian mafia, The Bratva " I glowered, pulling Oliver's body close to mine

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