31 - Drunk thoughts

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Oliver watched as Connor shook his ass in the middle of the dance floor with every man's gaze on him

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Oliver watched as Connor shook his ass in the middle of the dance floor with every man's gaze on him.

Lev made sure no man would come close to get close to them as Oliver and he watched Connor dance his life away with no care in the world.

Oliver wasn't much of a dancer, in fact, Oliver couldn't dance at all and he especially couldn't dance the way Connor does.

"Come on Oliver!" Connor shouted. Oliver flinched shaking his head. He was 37- years old, there was no way that he was going to shake his ass, not that he knew how in front of strangers.

Especially because he was kind of scared that Ivan would probably pop out of nowhere like he usually does.

"Let loose! Don't worry Ivan and Viktor don't know about this place trust me!" Connor informed shouting over the music.

Connor grabbed Oliver's hand as he swayed to the rhythm of the music.

"I can't dance,"  Oliver shouted back. Connor's brow raised as he randomly placed both his hands on Oliver's waist.

"Come on, Oli move with me," Connor encouraged guiding Oliver's hips to the beat of the music with him.

Oliver hesitated at first but gradually he managed to get into the grove as he began smiling and laughing, enjoying himself.

Lev glanced around taking the surroundings before he suddenly felt his cell buzz out of nowhere.

Shit. He cursed mentally.


Lev, where's my Doctor?

Lev panicked as he brought his hand to his forehead unsure of what to say.

He's out with Connor, Sir

Lev exhaled happily with his response surely once Ivan hears that he wouldn't pry any further.


Viktor said he had Maxim secretly tailing Connor. So tell me why is my Doctor at a gay club without me?


Lev forgot all about Maxim. Maxim was Viktor's right hand. He was very large and as quiet as Viktor is.

They're fine, Sir, everything is fine I have everything under control.

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