5 - Gay bar or Club?

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I can't believe I came here

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I can't believe I came here.

I'm in a gay club, well bar, maybe both?

My daughter actually convinced me to go to a gay bar and I actually came.

And of course, I felt so out of place.

Was it a bad idea to wear a suit?

I mean, I've never gone to a club nor a bar, let alone a gay one.

During my young years, I was too busy pleasing my father and Amelia with my marriage and finishing med school to enjoy it.

Never in my life have I would think Iʼd be sitting at a gay bar feeling so out of place.

"Hey," an unfamiliar voice called to me.

Turning around to give my undivided attention.

The stranger smiled before leaning into me.

"Lemme buy you a drink," he whispered, his alcohol mixed with cigarettes breath hitting my face like a ton of bricks.


"I'm fine, thanks," I bid. That was the third guy so far asking to buy me a drink.

It was kind of him to ask but I'm not thirsty.

The man only scowled before walking off.

"You do know that this is a gay club right?" a voice noted.

The male bartender behind the bar stand stared at me with an amused look while his hand rested on his hip.

He was about 5ʼ10, dressed in a black crop top with black cargo pants. He also had a body chain on and I could tell he had his nipples pierced by the way the crop top fabric pressed against them.

"Uh, yeah," I answered nodding my head awkwardly. The bartender guy narrowed his eyes as he shook his head.

"Ok, sorry if I sound like a creep but it's my job since I work here and I've been watching you sit here ordering nothing but ice and Sprite while turning down every guy that comes your way down," he started leaning more over the counter in my direction.

It's not my fault I don't drink alcohol.

And it's also none of my fault that they didn't catch my eye.

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