23 - Out of the past.

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"I'm not lying," I lied furrowing my brow

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"I'm not lying," I lied furrowing my brow.

"Oliver, your ears go red and your eyes twitch whenever you lie," Jesse disclosed.

Emily always tells me that but who cares.

"Jesse, I'm your friend you should trust me," I countered. Jesse's jaw clenched before he flickered his eyes over to my father before looking back at me.

"I get that you and your father have a tough relationship but that shouldn't take away the fact that he was physically assaulted," Jesse began, making me roll my eyes.

My father would be fine, he had been physically and mentally assaulting me for years and this was nothing compared to that.

"I know, and like I told you I know nothing about this case," Jesse shook his head before looking at me.

"You're covering for someone and I bet I know who,"

"Jesse!" I shouted why can't he just let this go?

"What?! Oliver, do you think being with a man like Ivan Mikhailov is going to do you any good? And besides, I thought you were still trying to pretend to be straight?" Jesse scoffed.

I stood there with my mouth agape as I couldn't believe the words that had left Jesse's mouth.

"What?" Soon after Jesse's eyes widen as though he had just realized what came out of his mouth.

"Oliver, I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean that I'm just, s-stressed out," Jesse stuttered.

"Get out," I muttered, Jesse, frowned before raising his hand to touch which I immediately backed away from.

"Get out, Jesse," I growled making him flinch.

"Sorry," he mumbled, quickly getting out of the hospital room.

Taking a deep breath I looked over at my father who seemed to be still unconscious.

Ivan is so going to get it when I get home.



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