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"Dad?" Emily called as she queried her eyebrows at me

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"Dad?" Emily called as she queried her eyebrows at me.

I guess I've been very quiet since my mind is occupied with me actually getting hard from a man's voice.

"Ah, Yes, sweetheart?" I answered. Emily only frowned before squinting her eyes.

"You don't like the chicken salad I made?" she pouted. Emily likes cooking for me and her since Amelia makes her eat whatever she tells the chef to make.

We would usually cook meals together against Ameliaʼs objection but since we only get to see each other every few days.

It's becoming less often.

"No, I do!"  I immediately reassure her.

"Then why aren't you eating it?" she questions looking down at my barely touched plate.

I've been thinking about what happened earlier today to even realized I barely touched my plate.

"Sorry, I've got a lot on my mind," I explained Emily only nodded her head before going back to her food.

"Is it about mom? Or a new woman perhaps?" she queried.

"No, it's neither," I snapped which sounded a little harsh. Emily only pouted before smiling wickedly.

"A man then?" she snickered but immediately stopped by the flush of redness on my ears.

"I-Itʼs not that either," I quickly turned my gaze from her as she gasped in shock.

Why is my daughter so nosey? And interested in my love life?

"Dad!" she squeaked smiling brightly.

"Em, it's not that I would never-"

"Dad, you are literally the worst liar ever," she announced making me cringe at how she's right.

"Your ears go red and your eye twitches a bit," she continued.

"Why are you so interested in what's happening in my life," I huffed.

"Because I want to see you happy," my heart ached as those words left her mouth.

She shouldnʼt be worried about me, she should be living her life and enjoying her teenage years.

"And Dad, it's okay, you love who you love and who cares if it's a guy," she finished.

"Love?" I say raising a brow.

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